View Full Version : For ultimate thin Klasse coats, why not make SG into a QD-like spray?

Peter J. Porter
08-20-2002, 12:50 PM
Just wondering if anyone had done this before.

I made the AIO into a QD as was suggested on this board by mixing it, and some H20 into a spray bottle, and I loved the results. I didnt use it on a dirty car, but on a freshly washed one, and it truely did a nice job. Really brought that slickness and color back out. I plan to use it every time before coats of SG.

I didnt find any info though on doing the same with the SG, and was wondering if there were any reasons for it? The AIO mixed very well with the water; I`d assume SG woudl do the same, and if it does, I think it would make adding coats of SG with a PC or by hand much much easier, and take out some of the guess work as to whether or not a panel had been hit ot not.

Anyone else have any input on this??


08-20-2002, 01:47 PM
really, mix AIO with H20 for a QD? Wouldn`t you be creating a very weak stipper for your car. Every time you add AIO, isn`t it just removing whatever is there including the wax, sg, etc? I could ungerstand using it to apply the product, but as a QD is just doesn`t sound right.

Peter J. Porter
08-20-2002, 04:23 PM
I dont really use AIO as a QD, for the reasons you stated, I just meant as a QD in the sense that I mix it with water, put it into a spray bottle, and apply it as you would a QD. I either use Meguiars FI, or Eagle One for my real QD`ing.

I just use this method to apply some more AIO to my already clean car either on its own, or before a coat of SG. Since I dont apply SG to my car every single week, I think the light cleaning action this provides works great, plus it may just be me, but I liek the little kick the AIO gives the paint, and that smoothness.

I think I`ll just try the SG out for myself maybe tomorrow or so, and see what happens. I am working on the interior today in spurts. If it does work, it does get rid of alot of the quirkiness of the application and removal of SG which also allow me to layer on more coats than I normally would. This is my only peeve with Klasse.

08-20-2002, 04:30 PM
I`ve heard about doing that before. I would worry about using it over the top of anything other than AIO, but the principle is sound. I believe that I have even seen that suggested by Klasse before.

I wonder what would happen if you mixed the SG with water and used that....

08-20-2002, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by Mr Hyde

I dont really use AIO as a QD, for the reasons you stated, I just meant as a QD in the sense that I mix it with water, put it into a spray bottle, and apply it as you would a QD. I either use Meguiars FI, or Eagle One for my real QD`ing.

oh, my bad. what ratio H20 to AIO did you use?

08-20-2002, 06:03 PM
Hello all,

I have been using this for almost a year now

about one once AIO

1 ounce actual QD

.5 ounce SG

Distilled water in large spray bottles. I have the neibors having me make if for them at 10 a bottle it works awesome

use it on everything rims door jams paint glass

Works great


08-20-2002, 11:11 PM
Doesn`t Klasse specifically not want you to mix SG with water? That`s why they say to apply with a dry applicator, right?

Anyways, after reading enough on how water can affect the curing of SG, I`ll probably keep it a "dry" (except for the SG liquid) process.

08-21-2002, 12:01 AM
Originally posted by kreativ

Doesn`t Klasse specifically not want you to mix SG with water? That`s why they say to apply with a dry applicator, right?

Anyways, after reading enough on how water can affect the curing of SG, I`ll probably keep it a "dry" (except for the SG liquid) process. Actually Klasse says very little specific and they have no website or tech support to speak of. On the SG bottle it just mentions applying to a dry car, not a dry towel.

I think it`s just another case of YMMV if there`s been problems with water and SG. Based on other people`s advice, I applied all my coats with water lube and buffed them out with water, and I couldn`t be happier.:nixweiss

I wouldn`t pre-dilute it because you`d waste some precious SG in overspray :D Basically I did dilute my SG, but I did it separately. Spritz the pad with water, then scrub on a couple thin lines of SG with a tipped 1oz bottle, then apply. I got so efficient at doing this I backed off a bit and started applying heavier. At the peak of thinness I was easily getting a projected 8 coats per ounce on my midsize sedan! :eek: The coats were invisible until breathed upon. I`m getting deja vu, so I`m sure I covered this a couple months ago somewhere....

08-21-2002, 09:15 AM
I have made, and use occasionally, SG as a QD. It mixes well, and does a good job. I use about a 10:1 ratio of water to SG.

Peter J. Porter
08-21-2002, 11:03 AM
Thanx for the input guys. Perhaps I shoudl have rephrased the subject a little better as it was a little unclear. I have no plans to replace my Eagle One and FI QD`s.

I am talking about turning the SG into a QD like spray, not for QD`ing purposes, and buffing it right off, but for layering SG on the car with a PC, or by hand (PC in my case). I would spritz the bodypanel, or pad, or both, go over a panel, let if cure for at least several hours, and then buff off.

I think in my case I`d waste less this way due to absorption from the PC grey pad, and it would keep me from applying coats which are too heavy. I am also hoping it will make buffing the SG off after it has cured less of a production compared to other products out there.

I did search and didnt really find what I was looking for, but I think I`ll just find out for myself today, and post what I find out later. Thanx again

08-21-2002, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by 4DSC

Actually Klasse says very little specific and they have no website or tech support to speak of. On the SG bottle it just mentions applying to a dry car, not a dry towel.

You`re right. It doesn`t say dry applicator (soft cotton cloth is what it says), but to apply to a dry car and to wipe off with a dry towel. Wonder why they specifically specify to wipe off with a dry towel. I see many people using a damp (either with water or QD) towel to wipe off SG.