View Full Version : S100 - do you wait for the haze to form?

08-19-2002, 12:59 PM
Purchased some S100 for my `99 XL Custom (Sportster)which, sad to say is no longer "with us".....but recently I thought what the hey, try it on the car.

WOW.....one of the best finishes I have encountered yet.....easy on, easy off, and when I dry the car with the Toro (leaf blower), less friction on the car from rubbing = finish lasting longer.

Anywho, I`ve noticed that if I let the S100 fully haze up on the car, it is more difficult to remove and doesn`t seem as slick. Following the directions, it says to buff before it hazes over fully......how is this?

I would think that if you buff it too soon, that it shouldn`t be as smooth because it hasn`t adhered, but I`m wrong.....did the whole car in like an hour and the results are that of putting in 4 hours on it.

WOOHOO to the S100!!!:bounce

08-19-2002, 02:19 PM
you are suppose to wipe it on and them wipe it off BUT I LED IT DRY TO A HASE FOR ABOUT 10 MINUTES then wipe it off and get a beautiful shine

08-20-2002, 09:03 AM
Yep! I was letting my S100 haze, but I found it was harder to get off and left some streaking. the good news the streaking goes away shortly as the wax hardens but allowing it to haze makes for a lot of work. I really felt like I got the same results by doing small areas and wiping right off. This is much easier to use if your car is cooled off. So after I wash I pull the car in the garage for half an hour or so. I haven`t tried alot of other Wax`s but I am very please with the looks. I did my wifes car and now my Mother in law and father in law and Brother in law all want me to do thier`s too.

08-20-2002, 09:33 AM
I also get some streaking when I let it haze. So now I just let it start to haze then wipe off like the container says.