View Full Version : First time Klasse`r

08-19-2002, 07:56 AM
Well I finally got to try out Klasse this weekend.....I used the wife`s `96 Taurus as my learning project :D. It was looking pretty good from a full Meg`s #9 and #26 regiment I did about a month ago so I had something to compare the Klasse results too. I dawn washed x2, clayed then AIOx2 and SGx1. After the SG I went over the whole car with Platinum Gloss Enhancing QD (smells nice). I am fairly pleased with the results although perhaps I was expecting too much. Truthfully, it doesn`t really look much, if any better than it did with the Meg`s regiment.

Am I expecting too much from only one coat of SG? The color is Pacific Green (very nice fairly dark, metallic green) so I was expecting the SG to really produce the wow factor. How many coats of SG until that happens?

Observations; The AOI was more difficult to use than SG. I applied AIO by hand with a dry, yellow foam applicator putting about a nickel size dab for about half a panel then another nickel sized dab for the other half. I didn`t let dry too long, only until a faint haze could be seen then buffed with a mf towel. Then repeated the AIO on the same panel. Buffing off was sort of like appling too much #26...lots of elbow grease and multiple mf towels as there was some powdery residue.

SG was easier, IMO and again applied by hand but with a dry cotton terry applicator. Same nickel size dab per half panel.....so lightly applied that I really had to look hard to see it on the surface. After about a 30 minute dry time it buffed off pretty easily and the few stubborn spots there were came off with a spritz of the Platinum QD and a fresh mf.

Did I do something wrong on the AIO? If you use the PC, I would imagine a polishing pad for AIO and finishing pad for SG? Also, anyone tried a mf bonnet (like the Meg`s Ultimate Bonnet) to remove AIO and SG?

I`m looking forward to getting another coat or two of SG on there and seeing how Klasse does in the longevity dept. since the car is non-garaged and a daily driver.

08-19-2002, 08:16 AM
Personally, I`ve found that the second coat of SG multiplies the effect greatly. Plus, it seems that in a day or two, it looks even better to me.

See what you think after coat #2........

08-19-2002, 08:37 AM
Try putting the AIO on with a damp applicator. I`ve had best luck with a damp MF applicator,(I haven`t tried it yet with the PC) it goes on and off very easily for me using this combo. As V4M said, the 2nd coat of SG would probably get you closer to the "wow" factor and a 3rd even more so! Search around and you`ll find some having done 5+ and then some and at some point I`m sure the deminishing return factor would set in. I`ve never let the AIO dry to a haze myself, on and off with no wait time has worked well.

08-19-2002, 04:12 PM
Absolutely, use a damp terry applicator for ease of use, and I believe it is important for bonding. Using a damp pad, AIO is amost invisible after a bit of wiping, and the remainder can easily be removed with a bit of Microfiber. The SG, IMHO is more difficult to remove, and is put on with a dry applicator.

See the many posts of how to apply SG. It is by far the more difficult product.


08-19-2002, 04:46 PM

I also agree with what has been said here. If you`re going to apply the AIO by hand, I would use an occasional spritz of QD to the applicator.

Actually, I prefer to put AIO on with an orbital buffer, and really work it in, and remove with an MF towel. IMHO, the SG looks better when the AIO has been worked in with the buffer. Then again, I`ve only tried it a couple times each way. So, somebody with more Klasse experience may have better suggestions.

And yes, I would give the SG a chance, and apply a couple more light coats. The SG is like Zaino........... it does improve with more coats.

08-19-2002, 07:25 PM
I`m not suprised by your results in comparision with the Meguairs routine. Meguairs is good stuff if applied on a well prepped vehicle, which yours obviously is. However, I think you will find that the Klasse has longer "staying power" and will keep its shine much longer.

As others have suggested another coat or two of SG will up the shine noticably.

08-20-2002, 08:07 AM
Thanks for the tips gang. After dinner last night I went out and applied a second coat of SG to the roof and hood this time using a damp, terry applicator. Again, I had no real problem buffing the SG out but did need a spritz of QD on one or two spots. It`s kind of tough to tell how much of a difference the second coat of SG made since it was starting to get dark. I might just have enough to give the trunk a second coat then the SG is gone.

I really want to go to either Klasse or Plainum for the winter months when I won`t easily be able to wax every few weeks. But I`ll tell you, I`m not looking forward to doing my F150 with this stuff.....I guess P21s spoiled me being so easy to use. I`m looking forward to hearing about the reformulated Platinum and if they improved the longevity of protection before I decide which way to go...Klasse or Platinum.

08-20-2002, 10:07 AM

There is a product out there that goes on and comes off extremely easy, looks great, lasts a long time, and looks like you might be able to top with your P21S. The product is spelled with a "Z"! :D

Originally posted by NattyBumppo

But I`ll tell you, I`m not looking forward to doing my F150 with this stuff.....I guess P21s spoiled me being so easy to use. I`m looking forward to hearing about the reformulated Platinum and if they improved the longevity of protection before I decide which way to go...Klasse or Platinum.

08-20-2002, 11:02 AM
Originally posted by White_F150


There is a product out there that goes on and comes off extremely easy, looks great, lasts a long time, and looks like you might be able to top with your P21S. The product is spelled with a "Z"! :D

:scared Back, back I say (while holding up a wooden cross)! Where did I put that garlic clove necklace? :D

08-20-2002, 12:13 PM
Originally posted by NattyBumppo

:scared Back, back I say (while holding up a wooden cross)! Where did I put that garlic clove necklace? :D LMAO!!!!!!! :D

I spritz my SG pad with water mist - lubes it a bit and helps it get reeeeeeally thin. Don`t go nuts like I did and get obsessed with thinness. Eventually you`ll get paranoid about whether or not you really put anything on or not! :p

08-20-2002, 09:55 PM
As others have said, I prefer AIO with a mf applicator, damp. Since AIO is a "cleaning step" it is important to rinse and wring out your applicator as it picks up debris and you don`t want that rubbing on your car. If you have an easily marring finish, I`d advise you stay away from cotton terry cause it may marr your finish.

Course prep is also the key, (clay, SMR, etc).

Anyways, for the SG load up your pad so that you can apply it thin and even. I prefer foam, but mf will do as well. Apply about as much as you would lip balm on your lips (think about traditional wax and applying that much amout of lip balm to your lips, too much). Let dry and sit for at least 20 minutes, an hour is good too.

Then attempt to remove with an mf towel (do a cd test on them, stay away from the scratch stuff). Anyways, if that doesn`t help, then spritz some water onto the towel to help (I prefer water cause QD adds a 3rd party of chemicals, use FI if you like, people have had success with it). If it still doesn`t seem to come off then spritz some water on the car and the towel. Don`t be afraid to put some elbow grease into it because you car should be clean and free from debris and a good mf towel won`t scratch your car and SG is abrasive free.

Finally to a test to see if you put to much on, amazingly, the little moisture in your breath can remove SG. Breathe on your car as you much as you would do if you were writing your name on a mirror and wipe with a mf towel. It should come right off.

Good luck and happy detailing, I hope this helps. Keep on posting don`t give up, we hate seeing Klassers not have a cool as experience as we have.

BTW, you shouldn`t have moved on to the SG if you weren`t amazed by the AIO. I think you should have done the AIO at least twice with a damp applicator. It should be buttery smooth and look ultra nice. AIO also you need to work in, you don`t really apply it.
