View Full Version : Blitz wax Hazing

08-17-2002, 04:43 PM
I waxed a black 2k Mustang yesteday, and I had LOTS of hazing on the front hood.

I let it dry for 10 minutes and buffed off with a MF. It didn`t come off completely. There were rainbowish streaks everywhere, in the direction of application. I was in a state of minor panic. i tried lots of QD, but it didn`t work. So I took out my gc liquid wax, and it took off almost everything after a quick application and immediate buffing.

What caused this haze, and why didn`t it happen on other parts of the car? While I do admit the hood was the roughest surface of the car, I never expected blitz to do this.

BTW, I was detailing in the evening, at around 4 or 5, and the sun wasn`t directly on the surface. It was pretty cool outside already.

Please help, I don`t want to spend another extra hour on the hood next time I have to wax a black car. Thanks.

08-17-2002, 05:19 PM
On the back of my Blitz can it says to let it dry for 20 minutes b4 buffing. You only waited 10. That could have caused you some problems. Doesn`t explain why it was only on the hood though.

Wait a bit longer b4 buffing next time, see if it helps.

08-17-2002, 07:33 PM
Hmm but for the other sides of the car, I just buffed on and immediately buffed off just to be cautious. It turned out great too.

Any other suggestions would be great, thanks.

Lone Wolf
08-17-2002, 07:39 PM
When I use Blitz I dont let it dry for more than 5 minutes..I know they say to wait 20 min but I tried that 1 time and it was very difficult to remove..I do 1 ot 2 panels at a time then buff off..Never had any problems this way and it usually lasts 3-4 months..


imported_Indy YZF
08-18-2002, 12:16 AM
I Blitzed my car yesterday too....I applied it with my Porter Cable, and it went on and came off great, with no hazing whatsoever....I like applying with the PC, as I find I can get a more uniform distribution of the product...Anyway I used a putty knife and `buttered` the finishing pad ....I like to use the 8" Meguiars finisning pad on my 6" backing plate...I find it just applies the wax faster that way, and I find the 8" pad on the PC is fine for wax coverage....I did the entire hood without rebuttering...And that includes applying it in a cross hatch pattern....Then, I reapplied, less this time now that I was primed, and did the roof and trunk in one application..Then, I did both sides with one other application...So just 3 applictions did the whole car....I dont need to use more than that....Maybe thats why I wasnt hazing. It removed very easily..I find that by the time I finish the application, the first panel is now more than ready to remove the wax from........I usually hit it first with an MF towel for the once over...Then, I hit it with the PC to which Ive applied a wool pad as the backing, for a 6" terry bonnet..I just go over the whole car to remove any wax I havent gotten by hand, and to buff it all out.

Works great! :up

08-18-2002, 09:23 AM
Many times moisture/humidity will cause hazing, which is basically uncured product. Takes a little experimenting to find out why. Maybe it was humid that PM (pretty common), maybe the hood was a different temp than the rest of the car, and maybe you used too much product on the hood (typical with carnauba).

Next time try flash curing with distilled water - don`t use QD as it`s full of alcohol. Just mist on a little water and wipe off. Should do the trick. If not, you`ll have to wait it out. Time will cure it as well and that tells you that you used too much product.

08-18-2002, 02:33 PM
100% in agreement with Bretfraz!