View Full Version : Does Vinylex harm tint?

08-17-2002, 12:04 PM
I recently applied Vinlyex to all the rubber seals around my doors. Then I went to clean my windows and noticed that there was some Vinylex that had transferred over to the edges of the glass. Since there are no `frames` around the windows on my Subaru, the window glass rests directly against the rubber hosing on the car.

What I`m concerned about is that my windows are tinted, and I`m hoping that the tint film isn`t harmed by the Vinylex. I know that tint film is plastic, so it should be fine. But I just wanted to be extra careful since tint is so delicate and pricey.

08-17-2002, 02:26 PM
My BMW has frameless windows so I`m in the same boat with you. I`ve had tinted windows for 2.5 years and never had any problems with Vinylex effecting the tint.:xyxthumbs

08-18-2002, 12:46 AM
Ah, good to hear. Thanks!