View Full Version : 5 months of Zaino - still there?

08-16-2002, 02:52 PM
I applied my 10th and last coat of Zaino (7 coats of Z5; and 3 coats of Z2) on March 3rd, 2002. I would like to start from a clean slate as I would like to prep the paint better. My car is parked outside 24x7 and has been washed regularly.

I read about using isopropyl alcohol to wash it off, but I just don`t feel comfortable wiping my car with a MF and rubbing alcohol. I figure I`ll just let the Zaino "wear" off then I`ll start from a clean slate.

My question is, do you think that after 5 months, is my Zaino is still there?

08-16-2002, 03:11 PM
Why remove it?

Just go about your paint prep and then reapply zaino when ready?

If you are going to be doing swirl removal the abrasives will do their job whether Z is there or not....

Paint cleaners will do there job too

All of this IMO

08-16-2002, 03:15 PM
I knew I left something out. I forgot to mention that I`m going to apply Klasse on the car this time. From what I`ve read, AIO does not remove Zaino.

C. Charles Hahn
08-16-2002, 03:23 PM
Read: Use a paint cleaner, it will remove the Zaino which, yes, is still there (I`m about 99% certain of that). You do not need to let it wear off because that could be as long as 4-5 months from now. All you need to do is buy a paint cleaner (Meguiar`s perhaps) and use that prior to your swirl removal or whatever other steps you`re doing.


08-16-2002, 03:28 PM
I agree, I`d bet that the Z is going strong!

The Klasse AIO will remove Zaino or any other wax on the surface BTW.
