View Full Version : Wax For Newer cars bad?

08-14-2002, 11:28 AM
I recently spoke with a guy who "claims" he does mobile detailing. He said,"Dont put wax on new car finishes it takes off clear coat all you need to do is polish it". He also said,"you can polish it everyday and it will be fine".

Some how this doesnt sit rite with me i feel as though wax puts a protective coating over your paints finish. Please clear this up for me .

Thank you

Charlie E.

08-14-2002, 11:39 AM
Do not let this fellow near your car!:scared

Your car`s finish needs protection. If the finish is in perfect condition a good hi quality non-abrasive wax or sealant is manditory for preservation of that new car appearance. A polish in the true sense ( a solution or paste that contains abrasives) is not something to use everyday but only to rejuveniate the finish ( remove oxidation and light surface marring when necessary). Your friend has it all backwards.

Some believe that a glaze should be used for the first 30 days after a car is painted. A glaze has no abrasives or protective elements but add oils to the surface clearcoat. Necesssary for anything but appearance maintainance before a true protectant can be applied? :nixweiss

Welcome to Autopia:wavey

08-14-2002, 11:46 AM
I think he just misused the term wax and polish. New cars probably do not need polish. Just wash clay, glaze and seal/wax.

08-14-2002, 11:49 AM
I agree with blkZ28Conv, don`t let him near your car. He obviously has no clue how to care for modern finishes.


08-14-2002, 12:16 PM
Thanks for such quick reply. Well i forgot to mention one thing i asked him if he uses clay at all instead of polish he asked me what is clay. sigh.........:sosad

08-14-2002, 12:20 PM
Originally posted by Flatline911

Thanks for such quick reply. Well i forgot to mention one thing i asked him if he uses clay at all instead of polish he asked me what is clay. sigh.........:sosad

Don`t walk away.. Run. Warn your friends and neighbors...:shocked

08-14-2002, 12:31 PM

Redcar GUY
08-14-2002, 01:02 PM
Originally posted by Flatline911

Thanks for such quick reply. Well i forgot to mention one thing i asked him if he uses clay at all instead of polish he asked me what is clay. sigh.........:sosad

o boy, I think I will just keep my comments to myself.........

08-14-2002, 01:10 PM
wow! that is scary.. reason #1 I do everything myself.. Most people would have taken his word as the gospel and really screwed their cars up...

BTW, about recommending glaze for the first 30 days.. I got my car back from getting a base/clear coat respray 3 weeks ago, should I be glazing it, or leaving it to cure like I am doing?? I haven`t so much as breathed on it since I got it back..



08-14-2002, 01:17 PM
Personally, I would not do anything to it if it is garaged but consider what I was going to protect it with and ordering the needed products. If you do decide on a sealant the glaze would have to be removed by washing. This would create an opportunity to marr the finish. It you plan on a carnuaba protection a glaze would be not problem if ok`d by the painter. :wavey

08-14-2002, 01:24 PM
unfortunatly, it wont be garaged, and is a pretty hard daily driven car.. She gets autoxed on the weekends as well...

I am going back to the painter to see what he recommends, but was hoping you guys could load me up with some information to run by him..

I plan on running the Zaino treatment on her after a while, thats what I used on the car pre-accident and respray, but I don`t know how to deal with this new paint, and want to keep it looking new forever..

BTW, its a black 1996 MX5

Thanks again, you guys are awesome!

08-14-2002, 01:32 PM
I had my Alfa 156 only a couple of days, and even though the dealer recommended me to wait 6 months before polishing or waxing (I don`t think he knew the difference); I went ahead and used Autoglym super resin/extra gloss protection (similar to the Klasse twins). As far as I can see this did no harm to the car, even though Super Resin is lightly abrasive. If anything it got of the crap gunk the dealer used to detail the car with (much to my objections).

08-14-2002, 01:37 PM
Originally posted by blackntan

unfortunatly, it wont be garaged, and is a pretty hard daily driven car.. She gets autoxed on the weekends as well...

I am going back to the painter to see what he recommends, but was hoping you guys could load me up with some information to run by him..

I plan on running the Zaino treatment on her after a while, thats what I used on the car pre-accident and respray, but I don`t know how to deal with this new paint, and want to keep it looking new forever..

BTW, its a black 1996 MX5

Thanks again, you guys are awesome!

Black daily driver... Zaino/ Klasse proven sealants. The best care will be prevention. Prevent the urge to quick wash ( not using good technique, good car shampoo, plenty of water and soft clean towels/MF`s). A dirty swirl-free car looks better than a clean swirled car. Never QD unless car is spotless. Learn to live with a slightly less-than-perfect detailed car... black 24/7 will not stay clean very long. Enjoy the times when it has just been detailed and convince yourself that when it`s dirty that the paint is at least protected and the shine is only hibernating until the next wash.:wavey