View Full Version : Surbuf pads for PC?

08-12-2002, 08:25 PM
Has anyone used the Surbuf pads in place of the usual foam pads for a Porter Cable? I was not able to find any info via the forum search funcion. Info can be found at www.surbuf.com or www.autodetail.com, but basically these are velcro-backed pads with short, straight fibers. They seem very well made and I`m told that they hold up well.

I bought three of them, and used them with Meguiars #2, #9 and #26. I don`t have a perspective, since this was my first time with the PC, but my impression is that they hold onto too much material and don`t allow it to break down properly. The #2 produced a bit of a haze, which I could not completely remove with the #9. Also, before I knew it, I buffed away a section of my painted pinstriping! Not cool...

Anyone else have any experiences or opinions?
