View Full Version : cleaner vs clay bar

08-12-2002, 06:10 PM
Are these to be used one after the other? If so, in which order?

Or.... are they redundant steps (with clay bar being superior)?

I`ve done searches on paint cleaner and can`t really determine which cleaner people seem to like the best...


08-12-2002, 07:03 PM
You use soap to get the major dirt

Clay to get the small contaminants and things like water spots that might not be picked up by the soap.

Most cleaners I have seen like Z1 are preps for polish or waxs to help them bond to the paint better.

I guess to answer your question they are not redundant. Cleaners and Clay both have their own purpose.

I clean with dawn, then clay bar, then wash again with auto soap and then I apply my polish of choice.

08-12-2002, 07:11 PM
Washing is the act of removing dirt from the paint.

Claying is using a piece of clay to pull contaminants out that are stuck in the paint such as raildust.

Cleaning is using a chemical cleaner that removes stains and contaminants from the paint such as Pinnacle Paint Cleansing lotion.

They each have their own place in detailing.