View Full Version : Cleaning mf cloths

07-18-2004, 12:58 AM
I don`t know how you guys clean your cloths, but I had a chance to try Micro-Restore out. I must say that I like it. It really helps get the grime oils off the towels. It also leaves tham feeling nice and soft after they dry out.

I did read somewhere that I could get similar, if not better results by using woolite. Anyone else try woollite, and if so, what are your opinions?

07-18-2004, 02:43 AM
You can also use some distilled white vinegar in the rinse cycle. It acts as a fabric softener without the clogging effects. And it also softens the mf cloths.

With Aloha,
Ranney :)

07-18-2004, 03:07 PM

Well I tried the micor-resoreagain, and this time, it did not do as good a job of cleaning as I hoped. One of my drying towels has some grease or grime on it from somewhere that does not seem to want to come off. So I thin I will give the woolite presoak a try, and then do the white vinegar rinse.

07-18-2004, 03:14 PM
I soak mine in a bucket with some Dawn dish washing soap and then wash them in the washer in hot water and All or Cheer or whatever my wife has on hand at the time. Then into the dryer on medium heat ... seems to work really well.
Someone mentioned soaking them in Murphy`s Oil Soap in an earlier thread ... Sounds like that might work too.
There is something about soaking in dawn Dawn that seems to remove more grime and residue than just washing in laundry detergent.

07-18-2004, 03:52 PM
Wash on heavy cycle in Dawn, then use 1 cup of vinegar for the rise cycle. MFs have never been so plush...

07-18-2004, 10:43 PM
Think I`m gonna try this DAWN soak and vinegar in the rinse... Now I just got to go get some vinegar.

07-19-2004, 04:31 PM
how do you add in the vinegar during the rinse cycle?

07-19-2004, 05:02 PM
Originally posted by 2drtahoez71
how do you add in the vinegar during the rinse cycle?

I`ve got an old washer so I have to listen for when it empties the wash water and fills with clean, then I open the lid and dump a cup of vinegar in. If you have a new washer that has a place to add fabric softener, dump a cup in there and the washer will do the rest.

07-19-2004, 05:35 PM
Does the vinegar make your house smell? How about when you put them in the dryer? Does it make your clothes smell?

07-19-2004, 07:02 PM
dont wash microfiber with clothes do um all at once alone . Ive washed mine and opened the washer to have a look at the water and i must say its some dirty stuff. I also pre soak mine in 5 gallon buckets of hot hot water and dish liquid.. its got a degreasing agent in it or something. then i wash um quick cycle extra rinse. Ive tried woolite its ok . but tide is best. then dry them medium heat with no fabric softner the dryer sheets put a film on the towels that bead the water instead of saok it up. ive added an hours time to each job trying to dry with fabric softened micros

07-19-2004, 08:04 PM
Originally posted by optik
Does the vinegar make your house smell? How about when you put them in the dryer? Does it make your clothes smell?

Clear distilled vinegar is fine, no smells and after washes with clothing are fine.

07-19-2004, 10:33 PM
Well, I tried the micro-restore, tried the woolite,still can`t get the stains out:mad: So it looks like that towel will just be for dirt duty. Shame cause i really liked that towel too, damnit.

Did give the vinegar a shot. It made the washer smell like a salad:hungry . Truth be told, I can`t really feel if the towels are as soft or softer that when I just used micro-restore in the wash. But i did notice that the woolite did pull out some more garbage out of the cloths (as could be seen during the wash- water was sudsy but not a clear kind of sudsy). Next time I wash, I am going to try the dawn, then vinegar rinse.

07-19-2004, 11:03 PM
Vinegar was used for many years as a fabric softener, before there were fabric softeners like Downey. My grandmothers used to call it a `sour`. It works by helping the rinse cycle remove more of the soap residue in the clothes than just water. If you dry the clothes in a dryer, you will not smell it, but if you air dry them, you may smell the vinegar a little.

I use vinegar, and just a few drops of fabric softener in all my wash loads (I have a frontloader, btw). Much cheaper than all Downey and I think the clothes are softer and bath towels still absorb water well. Try it!

07-20-2004, 08:04 PM
My micro`s and I have very many are all yellow. Accept for two big blue ones i use for major drying. any how for some reason the package mine came in say do not wish with clothing or any other fabrics do towles seprate. It also says no dryer sheets b/c opf the water beading. We all may have diff. towels but i agree on the wash techniques. I allready lost a load last year from steel wool .