View Full Version : is house water safe???

08-07-2002, 04:49 PM
so a funny thing happened yesterday...i was out washing my car, minding my business while this guy turns the corner and drives up parks right in front of the driveway and he gives me that "come here" finger...you know where you only use your index to motion for someone to come?? (how dare his ***!!) so he says "you shouldnt wash your car with the water from your house..."

what the F is this guy talking about?!

"There are too many minerals from `house` water that can actually damage your paint and make it become dull..i work at an Infinity dealership and thats the only place i wash because we use the `good` water over there..a house is not a good place to wash a car. you should wash it over at like a gas station ( i think he was referring to a place where you can wash you car in public) or at a place that has less minerals in the water..."

HAHAHAHHA!! is this guy kiddin me?!! sheesh! so im basically nodding my head, "uhh, yeah. yes..oh really? oh thats interesting..oh yeah? oh i didnt know?"

This guy has the nerve to tell me how to wash my car?? Moi?! Little does he know that I am Mr clean car 2000 & 2001, baby!! okay well maybe not, but i take more time and use more elbow grease than most people would. Turns out he lives down the street.."yeah, i always see you washing your car and i just want to let you know because you have a bmw, i dont want YOU to ruin the paint.."

hmm..so im curious where do you all give your car a bath? We have a water softener here at the house and i have a choice to use hard water or soft water...i use the latter...feedback?

08-07-2002, 05:08 PM
I`m not an expert on this (we have soft water) but I`d say even if you used the hard water, as long as you don`t let it dry on the finish it would be fine. :nixweiss There`s nothing saying the gas station/car wash place would have a softener either. Using hard water would cause you to use more soap, but I`m sure you know this already.

Judging by his attitude (beckoning with finger?!?!? :mad: ) I`d say this guy was stroking his ego under the guise of "helping". I hate that.

btw, was this guy referring to places with a water softener, or was he under the impression that these places get this magical "special" soft water supplied exclusively to them? LOL.

08-07-2002, 05:15 PM
If you had the option to use distilled water at no added expense - by all means, you would rather wash with that!

However, it`s nearly impossible for the most us. Water spots after all are the minerials and contaminents left behind by using city water.

Using house water is completely safe, just make sure you take every precaution to dry completely. Water spots can be a problem to deal with and if they etch the clear, you pretty much up the creek without a paddle. It`s definitely not the best source of water but a none issue for use.

Just ask buddy over there if you can dropped every week to use super clean water no added expense and see if he continues to use the finger next time he stops by!


08-08-2002, 09:31 AM
I don`t know how many people know this but, as a means of conserving water, gas stations and car washes may recycle some of the dirty water, which then gets used on someone else`s car! In the winter when a nice day comes along and everyone lines up at a car wash I think of all the salt water they are spraying into all the nooks and crannies of their cars. I`d rather keep the salt outside where I can rinse it off with my own hose and clean water.

08-08-2002, 12:25 PM
We have hard water down here. I have to dry vehicles FAST or they get water spots all over. I hate having to spend the extra time to clean water spots off someone`s paint or their windows. Someday I`ll get the equipment to do DI water.