View Full Version : Rotary Accident!!!

08-07-2002, 04:20 AM
Well, not THAT kinda accident... hehe

My wife wasn`t feeling well this morning and asked me to bring her home... while waiting for her at home, i took out my Makita and started with my Rolla...

Didn`t plan to even clean the car but since she needed rest before leaving the house again...

I washed the hood and fenders... clayed it... dried it...

Whipped out my Makita with M7000 red pad, DACP, Polyglaze filler glaze (yeah I know... but it`s great stuff for me) and #26...

This was how it was a couple of months back


This was how it was after a cheapo grocery orbital with cleaner wax and dang turtle wax... This was right after waxing, check out the ugly beads.


This was how it was 2 days ago when I hand cleaned the hood and fenders with clay, Meg #66 and 1 coat #26... (sorry, night shot)


This was this afternoon (est 2pm)... I had to spray some solution of Meg APC+ to strip the 2 day old #26, reclayed the whole hood and fenders...



Finished the hood and fenders (est 45mins) with DACP and glaze.... no wax yet...



Felt that I should do the door right next to the fender... So i did...


http://www.pbase.com/image/3660626 (need to work out... geez)


Finally, topping off with #26


http://www.pbase.com/image/3660710 (flipped shot upside down)




Had to go back to the office... So only the passenger door, hood and fenders are smooth as butter... the rest of the car is still "average"...



Shouda stayed in the office hehe...

08-07-2002, 06:02 PM
I see your starting to like that rotary :D

Looks good

08-07-2002, 06:18 PM
Great before/after/before again/after again shots!!

The rotary is amazing!! :bow

08-07-2002, 07:52 PM
Ahhhh, welcome to the wonderful world of the rotary buffer. Nice pics. :up

08-07-2002, 08:13 PM
:D Comparing a rotary to hand or orbital... man, talk about cutting your labor time in half... with better results...

One thing I always keep in mind was this Autopia "entity" saying...

"Never go past 3, Never go past 3, Never go past 3..."


(Thanks Intel)

08-08-2002, 07:45 PM
Next year I will have a DeWalt DW849 in my possession. :D

08-10-2002, 03:43 AM

Hey Theveed if I`m not mistaken, you just got the rotary right?

If so, was it hard to work with it?.

Somehing tells me to skip bying a PC and go for the rotary.

08-11-2002, 09:44 PM
Is it hard...

well, not really...

I`m pretty familiar with what my products will result to (DACP, #26, #84, etc) and so I kinda know when to stop and when to go faster/slower....

The hardest thing for me was the weight... handling a rotary is quite a task, although it`ll take me 3x the effort and time to finish my car using a "grocery orbital" and will never get such results...

My main problems (areas to work on) are the following:

1) Vertical panels on the driver`s side... The passenger side is easier for me since the buffer turns clockwise, I find it easier to control.

2) Tight panels such as A pillars, edges, etc...

3) When little smears appear when a polish dries up too fast (I have to rub it off with MF before continuing).

4) Roof... I`m 5`6" and accessing the middle of the roof is quite a challenge... I can`t even imagine how it`ll be like when I have to do a tall SUV/Van... I`m scared of the ladder banging on the doors.

5) Working around moldings, lights, etc... Although you can always mask them well with tape to be on the safe side...

The main thing is control... Once you get the hang of the buffer`s natural momentum, it`s not that hard...

Just keep the thing moving... if you can`t get rid of a certain swirl/imperfection on the paint, don`t force the issue by running the buffer at a higher speed/longer dwelling on a spot... Just stop and try to fix it by hand, if it can`t be resolved... Maybe it`s beyond detailing...

It`s really fun... Last Friday, I`ve decided to give the rest of the car a go again... I used the red W7000 pad with #66 Quick Detailer 3-in-1 cleaner to the whole car... The results were great as well, nowhere near the quality (swirl removal and gloss) of DACP and #26 (2-steps)... but it was good... Took me less than 1:30 to wash, clay, #66 and QD...

The weather sucks this week so I`m holding back on polishing and #26 for now...

See more pics (of the rest of the car) here (added pics)...


Pardon the "grime", this was a rush attempt to detail the car just before leaving the house... for a 1.5 hr job, i can`t complain... :P