View Full Version : were to get a good price for Souveran

08-05-2002, 07:13 AM
I remember a few weeks back a post were someone had found a place that sells Souveran quite a lot cheaper that normal. I have done a variaty of searches and cant find it (but did spend most of the weekend reading some great reviews on the product I had not seen before). I emailed CMA the other day to see if I could talk them into sending me some over, but being in the UK they were unable to help. Anyhow, if anyone out there was the poster of the great proced Souveran, can they let me know (My wife asked how much this wax was and I sort of skirted the question with how good it will look - think she is onto me....)

08-05-2002, 09:18 AM

08-06-2002, 09:44 AM
I ordered from XV world.com three weeks ago. I havn`t received my order. They have not returned my emails either.