View Full Version : SG and #7

08-02-2002, 07:17 PM
Should I have expected #7 to give me a better shine and depth than SG? I split the hood of a red minivan up between the 2. The van had a poorly prepped surface, absoulutely horrible, but should that matter?

Also is eveyone elses #7 a puke brown/green color? It tastes like a candy apple...

08-02-2002, 07:52 PM
Well, I think you should`ve tested it on an at least reasonably decent finish rather than one that`s DOA. Doing it on a bad surface (like oxidized or something) will throw a monkey wrench into your test methodology. Neither, by the way, is meant to revive paint that needs work.

Even though both products have the word "glaze" in them I don`t personally consider them to be really comparable products. One is a traditional glaze that (I think) has very mild polishing abilities, and is supposed to fill in swirls. The other is an acrylic sealant that has a job more like a pure wax than a glaze, but also can fill in swirls with a few coats.

Depending on what wax you top it with and how well the surface is prepped, people have had good results with a glaze followed by a wax. Multiple coats of SG in my experience works pretty good for my tastes in covering swirls (I haven`t used a glaze then wax).

The "look" is in the eye of the beholder, but I`m not sure if you should be comparing a glaze to 1 coat of SG. If you`re trying to decide which to use, I think what you want your routine to be is more important. My 2 cents.

08-05-2002, 11:15 AM

# 7 Show Car Glaze is a "Pure Polish", there are no abrasive in it whatsoever.

It is for use on "Pre-Cleaned" surfaces. It is a made from natural oils and is water soluable.

It offers no long lasting protection and a coat of wax should be applied over it to "lock" the oils into your paint.

Try cleaning the hood of your mini-van with a paint cleaner like the Meguiar`s Body Scrub first, and then apply the #7 followed by a wax.

Or, just try the Meguiar`s Cleaner Wax.

It is a cleaner, polish and wax in one and is perfect for daily drivers.


08-05-2002, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by Mike Phillips

# 7 Show Car Glaze is a "Pure Polish", there are no abrasive in it whatsoever. Whenever some product claims "no abrasives!" take that with a grain of salt. Companies like Meguiar`s has a funny definintion of what "non-abrasive" means and it`s a marketing trick more than the truth. Since the word "abrasive" has become a dirty, dirty, bad word, they consider super-fine abrasives to be "non-abrasive". :rolleyes:

Remember: Polish = Abrasive

It just depends on how abrasive.

09-01-2002, 02:13 PM
Sorry, but I agree with Mike Phillips.

Polishes just add oil back into the paint to add gloss, make colors look dark and wet, etc.

There is no abrasiveness in polish.

Compounds = Abrasive.