View Full Version : Insane or smart thing to do????

08-02-2002, 06:15 PM
I was filling up at my local Mobil today, and I saw someone who had just washed his car, and was waxing it with Pledge????

I would think that it would make sense at first, but then I really started to think about it. Pledge while it is a wax, is more like an oil, so I wouldn`t think that it would last too long, Plus, wouldn`t it leave some massive residue that would just pick up more dirt over time??? I didn`t stick around long enough to see if he actually wiped it off or anything, however he did coat each panel so that it looked like it was wet.

08-02-2002, 06:25 PM
Not wise.

A quick fix for shine, but massive dust magnet, doesn`t last, and not cost effective.

Whoa ever see the price on a can of Pledge! Imagine going through a can every few days (gotta Pledge everyday to keep that shine and dust off.)

I`ll stick to my currently supply thank you.


08-02-2002, 06:27 PM
It`s terrible. Don`t do it. It`s just loaded with bad silicones. If you ever need the car painted again, the paint won`t bond. A friend of mine did this to his yellow Ducati all the time, and when he wanted some pinstriping done, the painter complained like crazy, and charged him extra for all the work he had to do to remove the pledge.

Also, ever notice that Pledge has a yellowing effect. This will build up on your car, yellowing the paint.

08-02-2002, 06:37 PM
I figured that it was insane, I wonder what the guy thinking.

08-02-2002, 08:31 PM
If I just wanted a product to spray on - wipe off, there are many spray waxes on the market that will do the job just fine. Many are available at places like WalMart and K-Mart. Most have a mild chemical cleaner to remove some of the surface contaminents and old wax. They work pretty good for someone who just wants to do a quickie wax for some short term protection. I used to use them on my wheels during winter for road salt protection.

08-02-2002, 10:25 PM
I know that pledge on your paint would be a NONO but has anyone heard of using it on your tires?

The way I figure, it would be really good shine that probably would stick to the tires well, but wouldnt it attrack massive amounts of dust and road crap?


08-03-2002, 12:03 AM
Doesn`t Pledge contain petroleum distillates? I don`t think petroleum products on tires is a good idea. Rubber doesn`t like them. (That`s why one uses KY Jelly instead of Vaseline on, well you know.)