View Full Version : my clear coat is crap.

08-01-2002, 12:10 AM
Ok, first off I have a 91 black honda prelude. I know it is not fancy like most of yalls cars but I am only 18 so I cant get anything too nice. Well the paint is in really bad shape on the roof. The clear coat is coming off big time. A good deal(about 30%) of the clear coat is already off and it is down to the base coat. I can scrach if off w/ my fingernail it is so bad. The rest looks like clouds. Can I strip the clear coat off and just have the base coat? I could just make sure there is a lot of wax on the roof for protection. The roof is just getting worse and worse. This 95+ temp is really killing it. I don`t want to repaint the car because I might only have the car for an other year. I dont think it would be worth it. For the most part the rest of the car looks pretty nice and I enjoy having my car look nice. Any help would be nice. Thanks

08-01-2002, 12:27 AM
Look for posts by DLW here at Autopia. He and his son bought a 90s Prelude in black that had paint damage and they did some amazing things to make it look sharp. It`s quite a transformation and will give you some good ideas of what kind of work needs to be done.

I think the story is in Member Pictures but do a Search and find them.

08-01-2002, 01:12 AM

Looks like it was a combination of rehab and upgrade... Nice! Other than pointing out the obvious, I`m not familiar with this project.