View Full Version : WTB: Souveran Paste Wax sample

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07-31-2002, 02:39 PM

I`m very interested in seeing what all of the hype is about on this expensive wax. If anyone could give me enough for two applications for a good price, I would be very grateful.

(is it even possible to transport the wax w/o the container?)

Or, if anyone has just a little bit left, I would be interested in buying it. Please let me know through PM or this thread. Thanks!

07-31-2002, 02:49 PM
As you say... there is a hype about Pinnacle Souveran paste... It`s simply the best for dark colored cars (black, red, blue, etc)... Some who`ve even used it on lighter colored cars tend to love it! It`s a phenomenal carnauba... The best. And no, you can`t have mine :) :nono ;) :p Just go ahead and buy some off of Classic Motoring Accessories (http://www.properautocare.com) . You won`t be disappointed.


07-31-2002, 03:21 PM
Actually, I just did a full detail on my car over the past three weeks. Here was my process:

Dawn, clay bar, 3M Fine Cut, 3M SMR, wash, Klasse AOI 2x coat + 1 coat, Klasse SG x 4.

I`m going one more coat of SG and to try to get rid of that nasty haze I have.

That`s why I want Souveran to top it off and make my shine more unbelivable than it already is!

Anyone who can give me a sample of this stuff, please let me know. I can`t afford it at full price right now.

07-31-2002, 03:30 PM
If you`re going to purchase Souveran paste (and I highly recommend it), get it at XVWorld (http://www.xvworld.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=xvworld&Category_Code=pinnacleproducts) , it`s only $50 instead of the $70 that CMA charges.

07-31-2002, 06:31 PM
Souveran Kicks-


07-31-2002, 07:08 PM
Samples of souveran aren`t going to be found very easily. The amount needed to do one car wouldn`t really be something that could be scraped out of the jar and then mailed. A liquid could but this is pretty tough to do. You`ll just have to trust the reviews of the product and take the plunge. Another alternative to Souveran that isn`t as expensive would be Blitz. I haven`t had a chance to use it myself, but from the reviews it would seem that it isn`t quite as opticly impressive as Souveran but it does tend to last a little longer. And at about $15 bucks a can its a lot more affordable.

Red Wolf
07-31-2002, 07:17 PM
I bought Blitz and Souveran, I love souveran its is the better of the 2 4x better nope, but worth the money if you like the look.

07-31-2002, 07:34 PM
I actually like the Blitz wax, I have a can of that.

It does very well on my ruby pearl car, but I`ll take your advice and get some Souveran.

I`m only asking if anyone has a small portion left because a few weeks ago I saw someone selling theirs.

thanks everyone

07-31-2002, 07:45 PM
Hmmm, got me thinking Jngrbrdman, scrape some out from the jar, stick it in a zip lock baggie, then into another one, then put it into a box and ship it.

A tablespoon chunk for $8, doesn`t seem to bad, $5 for shipping it USPS priority and $3 for the tablespoon sample.

I think a tablespoon chunk can wax a medium sized sedan.

Just my 2 cents,


07-31-2002, 08:16 PM
Originally posted by Jngrbrdman

Another alternative to Souveran that isn`t as expensive would be Blitz. I haven`t had a chance to use it myself, but from the reviews it would seem that it isn`t quite as opticly impressive as Souveran but it does tend to last a little longer. And at about $15 bucks a can its a lot more affordable.

From the reviews on this board, I would speculate that P21S is closer to Souveran, but like yourself I don`t really know from experience.

07-31-2002, 08:46 PM
You have to try the souveran wax. It is really good. In fact there is a sale at pinnacle wax right now. $75 for the souveran kit. It includes the wax, paint cleanser, crystal mist, koala towel and applicators. Considering that tha wax alone is $70, this is a deal. Oh yeah free shipping. I think the deal ends by midnight July 31. HUrry!!!

the link to the sale is http://pinnaclewax.com/index.html

07-31-2002, 10:43 PM
actually, the XV world place that dbackfan recommended sells the wax for $50. I think I might get it there.

07-31-2002, 11:49 PM
Originally posted by TurDz

actually, the XV world place that dbackfan recommended sells the wax for $50. I think I might get it there. No.

Get the kit.

It is an awesome deal.

Click the link and see all that you get (4 products!) with free shipping.

I`d get it if I could and could afford it :(



08-01-2002, 12:02 AM
Originally posted by kkjv1

the link to the sale is http://pinnaclewax.com/index.html

If I was going to purchase just the Souveran paste, I`d get it at XVWorld like I recommend. But the above link to the Souveran kit is one smoke`n deal. I`d jump on that.

08-01-2002, 12:07 AM
Lol...it`s sooo tempting, but I have to pass on that deal. I`m saving up for a car mod I`ve had in mind for a looong time.