View Full Version : The right applicators for the job...

07-31-2002, 08:23 AM
Basically, I need to confirm that I am using the correct applicators for each of these processes. Anyways, here goes:

Pinnacle Paintwork Cleansing Lotion - terry applicator for app, Magic towel (CMA) for removal

3M Perfect-It II Light Rubbing Compound: Fine Cut - terrycloth towel for app/removal

3M Swirl Mark Remover for Dark Colored Cars - MF for app/removal

3M Imperial Hand Glaze - MF for app/removal

Klasse All-In-One - damp MF applicator for app, dry Magic towel (CMA) for removal

Klasse High Gloss Sealant Glaze - MF applicator for app, Magic towel (CMA) for removal

Pinnacle Souveran - foam pad for app, Magic towel for removal

I`m pretty sure these are right, but I just need some confirmation. Let me know guys...:bounce

07-31-2002, 03:11 PM
i don`t think it really matters. Just personal preference. :nixweiss I try to use foam for everything, but when I was SMRing I switched to terry covered foam because as the SMR dried out, the foam screeching was driving me mad!