View Full Version : Tried 3M IHG (makeup for cars)

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07-30-2002, 09:30 AM
Well found a 3M dealer in the UK that actulay had some supplies. Got a good deal £10 for 1ltr of IHG. Not sure it I have done this right, but I polished my 996 with Autoglym super res polish, then put on the IHG. All I did was wipe it on and wipe it off (quite easy). Part of the car I let it dry / haze first half not. What my question is is should you let the Glaze dry first (isnstruction do not mention this), and is it a bad idea to put it over a Polish. I only did this as I just got the stuf and wanted to see how it worked. Looked very good, made the paint look glossy and deep (a bt darker also). The paint is dark met blue and looked v good. What I had planned on doing was using a Paint cleaner, followed by IHG, then Souverine (cant spell) - but have to wait for the rest to come in the mail. IHG however I loved the finish.

07-30-2002, 09:54 AM
From what I learned, Imperial Hand Glaze is the SAME as a polish. So there is no need to use both. Its like polishing the car twice. I used Meguiars polish once and then used IHG, and then was told it was just like polishing the car twice.

Try doing one panel with both, then skip one of the steps on another panel and see if you notice a difference.

07-30-2002, 11:37 AM
Did notice that the product looks relay oily. Ithought the idea was that it was full of fillers (guess the oily bit) to fill in the small imperfections in th paint (swirls etc), and that a polish removed them (abrasive or chemical) ? Not sure, but it did give a very nice finish - cant wait for the wax to come

07-30-2002, 11:44 AM
IHG is just full of fillers. It is not really a polish in that it does not remove scratches or swirls, just fills them in. It is basically the same idea as furniture polish.

07-30-2002, 02:11 PM
Originally posted by jrh382

From what I learned, Imperial Hand Glaze is the SAME as a polish. So there is no need to use both. Its like polishing the car twice. I used Meguiars polish once and then used IHG, and then was told it was just like polishing the car twice.

Waxman is spot on.

I`m not familiar with autoglym polish, but if it has cleaning properties and any type of abrasiveness, going with IHG afterwards is not a complete waste.

07-30-2002, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by richardp

Did notice that the product looks relay oily. Ithought the idea was that it was full of fillers (guess the oily bit) to fill in the small imperfections in th paint (swirls etc), and that a polish removed them (abrasive or chemical) ? Not sure, but it did give a very nice finish - cant wait for the wax to come

A polish may or may not have abrasive properties. It just depends on its intended purpose. 3M SMR and IHG are both polishes; SMR has added abrasives to remove swirls and IHG is mostly fillers to cover em` up.

07-30-2002, 04:09 PM
After having used IHG for a few years I have to admit that I really love the polishing ability that it has. But if I have scratches or swirls to remove I use a swirl remover first.

If you can get the 3M Perfect-It Show Car Wax, it is a very durable carnauba that carries a great shine. Especially if you add a few more layers after waitina a couple of weeks between.

07-30-2002, 05:24 PM
Thanks for that I think I will give the 3M show wax a try, as I wanted to get the Pinnicle wax, but need to mail order (have but not expecting it anytime soon). At least I can go buy the 3M products over the counter. I must say however that even though the IHG is fillers, it did make the finish very glossy / water looking - even my mother noticed when I went over to her place.:bounce

07-30-2002, 06:05 PM

That is precisely one of the benefits to glazing your car prior to wax application. The stuff gives your car a deep, wet shine (In addition to its swirl-filling properties).

Also, before you buy a bottle of 3M Wax, do a search here on it. Although I felt that it left a nice shine, I wasn`t too happy with the durability. I guess my results were quite different from mrdetailer`s. Perhaps it was my technique or maybe I never gave it a fair chance, but I have found that it`s one of the least durable waxes I`ve ever tried.

07-30-2002, 06:55 PM
If I remember right, isn`t Autoglym SRP roughly equivalent to Klasse AIO in makeup and function? If that`s the case then IHG is probably removing anything left from the SRP. Not that it`s a total waste, but all you`re left with would be IHG only.

It`s been said that glazes strip polymer sealant products, and I`ve personally found this to be true.

07-31-2002, 07:46 PM
I finally found this site! I`ve been checking every day but haven`t been able to find it. Anyway, IHG is great, as long is the car isn`t too dark. Once or twice before, after I high speed a black car and the swirls still won`t come out, I have tried to cover up the swirls with IHG. It works pretty well, but I end up spending a long time (and a lot of QD!) trying to wipe the oils and fillers around so it doesn`t streak. But wow, it can really make a car look good. Though I`ve never tried it, I`ve heard you can put IHG on top of wax to add gloss. My concern would be even less durability, but I don`t doubt that it looks great!

08-01-2002, 06:40 AM
Does IHG wear down layers of paint? The manual for the Passat states NOT to use polishes unless there is some loss of shine from the paint. I want the wet look but I do not want to wear down paint. Do you recommend using IHG everytime you wax befor applying the wax? Thank you.

08-01-2002, 10:43 AM
Like the thread subject reads, IMG is mostly just makeup for cars. Use it at will.

08-01-2002, 03:33 PM
This is my inaugural post here, so I wanted to welcome myself. I find detailing to be very therapeutic at times (except when I drop the applicator), and something that is really rewarding...

Anyway, I really like the 3M IHG, my paint is in great shape, so a filler works fine for me. I use that and follow it with Meguiar`s #16 Mirror Glaze paste wax and the results are incredible...Meguiar`s Mirror Glaze line truly is good stuff.

08-01-2002, 05:42 PM
Welcome to the board, blackcaraddict!