View Full Version : 3M Product Help

07-29-2002, 05:33 PM
I know I posted this before `the incident` with the forum, but I never made it back to read all the responses before the message got smoked.

I am looking for some help with the 3M Products. I have been search and reading the forums but I am confused on the differences between the Perfect-It II, Perfect-It III, and Finesse-It II line of products.

I am going to try Zaino on my car and I need to remove some scratches and swirls from my car before applying. I was thinking of using the Perfect-It II Rubbing Compound followed by Perfect-It II SMR, but I wasn`t sure if Finesse-It II would do a better job or if any other these had any more fillers than the other.

I don`t currently own a PC (someday...) so I will be painfully doing this by hand.

Is the Perfect-It II combo the best route? Is Perfect-It III any better or worse?



07-29-2002, 06:22 PM
Perfect It III is a newer compound that is easier to work in that the abrasive are broken down more easily and are of better uniformity and produces a high gloss shine relatively easily. Make it 3 and PI-2.

Finesse It II is considered by many the gold standard here for a light compound but takes quite a bit of work to breakdown the abrasives and to produce a gloss finish.

If I had to purchase one of them, I`d go with PI-3. The reason being:

1. It will be easier to work in places where a PC or buffer can`t be used and hand application is required.

2. It produces a high gloss shine so following up with a SMR shouldn`t be required.

3. The old saying "Use the least abrasive product to get the job". Since it breaks down quicker, it can be classified as being less abrasive then FI-2 even though both are graded for 1500grit sanding marks.

4. You can get the job done quicker, and if you end up needing a second pass, it won`t take you much longer than if you used FI-2.

Newer isn`t always better but I think in my brief exposure with both products, I`d go with PI-3. Generally, both are = expect for the ability to achieve a high gloss finish quicker with PI-3 and less work time.

Oh yeah, they both don`t have filling properties.


07-29-2002, 10:09 PM
Thanks for the reply.

Looking at 3M`s website, they have PI-III Finishing Glaze (05941) and PI-III Machine Glaze (05937). What are the differences between these two?

Thanks again.