View Full Version : Washin.....once, twice, THRICE??!!

07-17-2002, 12:43 PM
Yep, that`s right.... I`m washing my car 3 times before I begin the true work. Why?? Well, other than feeling really good about how clean the car will be before I start and other than the feeling that I know I will not be sealing in any crud at all other than what I put on.....I`m a little obsessive compulsive (but aren`t all Autopians?? :))....

Anyways, although this is a wierd question and it probably has not been asked before, here goes....

In what order would you wash your car with the following 3 products?? Pinnacle Bodywork Shampoo, Eimann Fabrik Powerwash+

I know I will be doing the Dawn first to strip the car of any old wax, etc it has on it, but what about the next two steps?? Does it matter??

Comments/thoughts/suggestions/personal attacks???? :) :bounce

07-17-2002, 12:45 PM
I don`t think you`ll be getting any additional contaminants off the surface with more than one wash. I can see doing a dawn wash, then a regular wash to remove any residue from the dawn...but not to get additional contaminants off.

You really wanna prep the surface properly and are worried about contaminants, then you need to clay the surface after wash #1.

07-17-2002, 12:53 PM
I can see doing a dawn wash, then a regular wash to remove any residue from the dawn

My thoughts exactly..... Glad to hear them confirmed.

You really wanna prep the surface properly and are worried about contaminants, then you need to clay the surface after wash #1.

I was going to clay after the third wash.....do I have to do it in between washes?? Should I??

07-17-2002, 12:56 PM
From what i`ve been told and read... Do a dawn wash, clay, then wash regularly. I don`t think you HAVE to persay, but I think it`s recommended to wash after claying and before "feeding" the surface.

So, again, i think two washes will suffice...

07-17-2002, 01:20 PM
i`d use the powerwash after claying since it seems to be more powerful to remove any resedues, but either should work fine.

just make sure to switch buckets/water often and rinse your wash mit

07-17-2002, 01:56 PM
Ok...... I`ll alter my steps to the following.....

1) Dawn wash

2) Pinnacle PolyClay (entire car)

3) Eimann Fabrik Powerwash+/Pinnacle Bodywork Shampoo

But now the questions is this......

Pinnacle Bodywork Shampoo


Eimann Fabrik Powerwash+

I have a dark blue car, if that helps in the decision making process.....

07-18-2002, 02:23 PM
So basically, it`s down to a decision on whether to use the Pinnacle Bodywork Shampoo OR the Eimann Fabrik Powerwash+.....

Any suggestions??

Pinnacle suggests that the Bodywork Shampoo is good for dark colored cars because it has oils that prevent swirl marks from washing....

Let me know guys...:bounce