View Full Version : Advice on getting my last few products

07-16-2002, 08:30 AM
I will soon be taking delivery of my new MINI Cooper S and trying to get a few last car care products...yea i think i`m going nuts here but bear with me...

So far I`ve gotten Zaino z2, z5, z6, z7, z9, z10, z14, z16, z18, zfx and their applicators...stoners glass cleaner, fieldcrest charisma towels cut and restiched with 100% cotton thread, pakshak microfiber towels(gotta test myself the difference between cotton and mf), 2 cotton wash mit(1 for the front bumper and side mirrors - buggy prone areas - and the other for the rest of the car), california duster, california water blade(yes i`m VERY careful when using this) and some plain dawn soap.

But i still not sure what to put on the carpets to protect them...is good old scotch guard still the one to use or is there new better products for this? Should you need to do anything to the carpets on a new car? I have 2 sets of mats with the car, carpet and rubber for the seasons...but still think they should have something applied to help make them last and clean easier.

Also what is good to use to polish chrome trim(interior and exterior) - does one of the zaino products work well for this or is there better stuff for this?

How about cleaning and polishing wheels? again a zaino product here that i already have or is there something better? What tools do you use to clean your wheels? sponge - wash mit - brush? I don`t want to use the mits i use on the rest of the car.

Cheers and thanks in advance

07-16-2002, 08:49 AM
I went and had custom capeted mats made and put on top of my stock carpeted mats,then I bought a second set of mats (for a few years down the road).I bought thin clear plastic mats and put then on top of my custom mats.With kids dirt and all the rest I don`t trust scotchguard at all so if mats get dirty I use a steam cleaner or brush them off.

07-16-2002, 08:57 AM
I`m sure there is no shortage of "protectant" type products for carpet and upholstery but I`ve used plain old Scotch Guard on my last three vehicles and it has saved my seats and carpet more than once. It is inexpensive and available everywhere.

My .02