View Full Version : laundy detergent and oxyclean as a carpet cleaner

07-15-2002, 12:14 PM
I was a little apprehensive to "make my own" carpet spot remover, but after reading the instructions and comments from some others on this board I gave it a try.

I purchased a windex size bottle from the local dollar store and filled it with about 1/2 scoop of oxyclean and about the same amout of laundy detergent (Arm and Hammer to be exact). I think filled up the bottle with hot water until it began to neck down. Shoot violently for a minute to disove the powders.

I was afraid of saturating the carpet or accidently discoloring the carpet so I moved the drivers seat forward all the way and cleaned a spot I found under there. No problems, so I moved onto the rest of the car.

The stains I was working on were dried coffee spills that were covering the car (we bought it used). A few sprays of the solution and then aggitated with a new terry cloth towel. As the towels became stained, I switched to a new one. All of the stains were removed or significantly less noticable with little work (about 15-30 seconds per stain area). The biggest problem was that the cleaned areas also had less dirt and other grime so becasue they looked cleaner they looked discolored. The only solution was to clean around the stains also and gradually blend in with the dirty carpet. Short of having the interior steam cleaned or spending the entire day climbing around the carpet this was the best solution.

I don;t have picutres, so I`ll let you use your imagination. A set of 3 brand new white towels were used. At the end, they were a brown and black color. I held them up next to the towels I`d uesd to clean my wheels and engine and it was hard to tell the difference.

Short of using Folex, this is the best stuff I`ve found and probalby only cost me <$0.25 to do.

It was about 85 degrees outside in the shade with no humidity and the carpets were air dry within an hour.

07-31-2002, 05:05 PM
I too use oxyclean. It really works to get the stains out. I really hate to sound like a infomercial, but it is the best stuff in the world to get wine out of carpet.

One of the best investments I made was a Green Machine purchase at Target. It is a little steam cleaner. It has a cleaning handle that is about six inches wide, which is perfect for car carpet and small stain in the house. I am now thinking about getting a larger one for the house. The only problem is that sometimes if not mixed properly the chunks in the oxyclean can clogg the nozzle.

08-01-2002, 01:47 AM
I looked on Folex website. How long have you used this product, and does it perform as well as it says? They usually dont in my opinion. Thanks Jason