View Full Version : Oily spots

07-14-2002, 09:12 PM
I`m a Zaino user. However, I face this problem now as well as back when I was using GC Wax.

Everytime after washing my car, I notice some oily spots along the side. These spots can be rubbed off easily using my finger but somehow Z7 (and GC Shampoo back then) cannot wash them off.

I`m not sure where these spots come from (could be tyre gel fling or some other crud I got off while on the roads) but it`s quite annoying to have to re-surface prep and reapply Zaino on the car bcos of these spots. Any help? Should I just wash the car with Z7 and then spot treat these spots with something?

Thanks in advance.

07-14-2002, 09:17 PM
It`s hard for any of us to make a suggestion when even you don`t know what they are.

Why not try a few tests to discover what they are and where they`re coming from? It might be tire dressing so stop using it for awhile and see if the spots come back. Maybe its something the tires kick up, watch where you drive very carefully.

Whatever they are its best to remove them ASAP. But try to make them stop appearing instead of just removing them each time. Makes more sense to get to the bottom of things, right?

07-14-2002, 09:21 PM
yep you`re right. however, i did suspect the tyre gel and left my tyres free from gel for a couple of washes... and the spots still came back - which leans me towards thinking that they may probably be from my daily drives.

maybe i`ll fill a spray bottle with a heavy concentrate of Z7 and try to wash the spots off one by one?

Redcar GUY
07-14-2002, 09:21 PM
Sounds like you have "fling" or you may be driving through oil drips that are in a parking lot? Not sure... Pic>?

07-14-2002, 09:24 PM
could be fling... but it`s probably the heavy traffic to and from work everyday - not to mention the tropical climate with heavily polluted air. could also be fling from wet tyres whenever i drive thru the rain.

don`t have digicam with me now... so i`m afraid i can`t show pics of it.