View Full Version : Spots on My Rims

07-13-2002, 09:55 PM
I have a 2001 Acura CL with Alloy rims. There are spots on the rims that I can`t seem to get off. They look like soap but they won`t buff out or at least not easily. Typically, I use Meguires Hot Wheels to clean the rims.

I tried using AIO but that didn`t seem to help. Is there a cleaner and/or polish I can use to remove the spots and shine the rims?

Thanks in advance.

07-13-2002, 09:58 PM
You have clearcoated aluminum rims. You need a special polish for them, lok for that at the store! IU have no clueon brands.

07-14-2002, 12:14 AM
Kinda sounds like hard waterspots?

I would try vinegar first, see if those remove them.

If not I would try claying them. AIO is a pretty aggresive cleaner, if its not working I would try another technique before trying to polish them out with something stronger.

07-15-2002, 05:02 PM
I tried some of that Luster Lace over the weekend on a set of spotted tbird rims and the stuff really made a difference in removing the spots, plus adding a nice even shine to them. :xyxthumbs

07-15-2002, 06:13 PM
The only product I know of actually made for clear coated wheels is Mothers Clear Coat Wheel Polish, part # 05108.

Lots of folks use products like Nu-Finish on them, too.