View Full Version : 3xAIO, 8xSG, P21S topper. Should I insert Platinum?

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07-11-2002, 09:20 PM
Here`s the situation. I have a new 2002 Mercedes C32 AMG in brilliant metallic silver. The car is pretty much a garage queen. It`s only been rained on two or three times and it will never see snow. It sits in the garage most of its life. I have another car for bad weather. Mileage per year is perhaps 6,000.

The car is all mine though and I plan to keep it for a long time (10 or more years).

My basic plan is to use many coats of SG to provide a tough acrylic sealant for the paint. Then use P21S as a topper every one to three weeks to give it a killer shine. Plus, P21S is so quick and easy to use, it won`t be a chore to use it often.

I`ve already dawn washed it, clayed, put three coats of AIO, followed by four coats of SG. I`ll probably add another 4 to 6 coats of SG within the next week (I let it cure at least a full day between coats).

Some here have had great success with Platinum over SG. I was considering adding a dozen or so layers over Platinum over the SG. Then I`ll use P21S as planned as a weekly topper.

My question is whether or not you think that my car will look any different or have any better protection with a dozen or so coats of Platinum inserted between the SG and P21S layers.

Any ideas?

07-11-2002, 09:51 PM
With 3xAIO and 8xSG, a few dozen Platinum and some P21S, you`re car would definitely look different.....

It`ll be a few inches wider and higher?

Hey, post a pic again will ya? I enjoyed the picture of your Benz. If you still have the pic you posted from before, maybe you can compare it with the pic after you applied these layers?

I`m betting the Platinum would do a great job in brightening that puppy.

07-11-2002, 10:17 PM
There is sort of a point of diminshing returns with Klasse and even Platinum. More than 5 coats doesn`t really seem to add much to the appearance. I know that it is very true with Klasse. I had probably 15 or so coats of SG on my car and when I stripped it off and started re-layering I have to say that 5 layers looked about as good as 15. With Platinum I wouldn`t suggest more than 5 layers either. It should bond to SG just fine though. I`ve had good success layering Platinum on AIO and SG on Platinum so I don`t think there is any reason for a problem. You could always shoot an email over to the guys at www.premiumautocare.com and see what they have to say about it. I know that Dwayne has extensive testing knowledge of the product.

07-12-2002, 07:31 AM
ARGG! :scared

I feel so silly! I forgot to ask two important questions.

As I stated, I`m going to be using P21S every week or so. Although it`s easy to apply, this will cause a good deal of rubbing on the car`s surface. I figured that if I build up a lot of layers of polymer based sealers, it should help protect my paint from the "abuse" of applying P21S so often. Does this sound right?

Also, due to the fact that I`ll have multiple layers of SG (and possibly Platinum), frequent application of P21S, the car is rarely exposed to rain, lives in the garage, and is driven only 6,000 miles per year, I`m planning on Klasse and Platinum to last at least a year. When I wash the car, it should have little effect on the SG and Platinum because P21S will be on the top to protect them. Does this sound reasonable?

Thanks for the tip Jngrbrdman. I`m going to call Dwayne today. I`ll post the results of my call here.

And for those of you like FocusRun interested in pictures, I took some right after I bought the car in October. (The car was detailed by the dealer.)


Obviously I`m going to take some pictures after I complete this project. As I stated on another post, I took the car back to the dealer to compare the tinting effects of three coats of AIO and two coats of SG. I`m happy to report that my car looked better than ALL the other new and used cars on the lot and no tinting could be detected. Every passer by agreed with me. I`ll take it back for another round of testing after I have a total of 8 to 10 layers of SG.

I`m SOOOOOO glad I found Autopia before I started detailing my new baby!

BTW, FocusRun, if it wasn`t for your post warning me about the tinting effects of Klasse, I wouldn`t have known about it. Thanks dude!

07-12-2002, 07:34 AM
[i]You could always shoot an email over to the guys at www.premiumautocare.com and see what they have to say about it. I know that Dwayne has extensive testing knowledge of the product. [/B]

The customer service at Four Star has been great for me. About a month ago I started using Platinum and I love the stuff. I have had several e-mail exchanges and a few phone calls with the people there and they have been quite helpful. One of the things mentioned was that a carnauba topper will probably not be a good thing for subsequent layers of Platinum. I think this is true of any polymer product. Two layers of Platinum for a starter looked so good that I think that will be my base and my monthly application will take care of future layers. Like I said, I think the stuff is great. I think you will, too.


07-12-2002, 07:48 AM

You stated, "One of the things mentioned was that a carnauba topper will probably not be a good thing for subsequent layers of Platinum."

To be clear, I`m going to use SG on the bottom, then add Platinum, then use P21S. I`m NOT going to try to reapply Platinum once I`ve started adding P21S. Once the P21S goes on, the only thing I`ll add to the car is more P21S (that is, until I strip everything and start again).

Are we in agreement here? Or are you saying I shouldn`t use a caranuba topper if I use Platinum?

07-12-2002, 07:56 AM
Originally posted by Tortuga


You stated, "One of the things mentioned was that a carnauba topper will probably not be a good thing for subsequent layers of Platinum."

To be clear, I`m going to use SG on the bottom, then add Platinum, then use P21S. I`m NOT going to try to reapply Platinum once I`ve started adding P21S. Once the P21S goes on, the only thing I`ll add to the car is more P21S (that is, until I strip everything and start again).

Are we in agreement here? Or are you saying I shouldn`t use a caranuba topper if I use Platinum?

I definitely am not qualified to make that statement. Based on my experience with Platinum, I don`t think I would. Why not just use another layer of Platinum when you feel the need to apply more of something? Also, I would highly recommend the Platinum Gloss Enhancer. Used right after a wash, it makes the vehicle look like you just waxed it again. (I know Platinum isn`t wax, but saying you just polymered it again sounded kind of silly) Take a look at your car after the Platinum, you might not feel the need for anything more.


07-12-2002, 12:01 PM
Here` what I have Tortuga...

By the way this is my first time that I`ve done this so I`m not sure if it`s helpful or correct

Back then with my 1 x AIO and 1 x SG, the car seem ... brighter compared to other silver cars.. You can`t stare at it for more than a few seconds during the afternoons. When I QD it with the Sonus acrylix .. it was even brighter..

Now.. here`s what I did during the July 4 weekend.



( I didn`t SMR since I didn`t have a PC, no point doing it by hand.. Yes I have a few swirls which are easily hidden co`z it`s silver and I didn`t fix my scratches and such)


2 x AIO

3 x SG

2 layers of Paste Glaz

(and the regular maintenance of the Eagle One QD or Pinnacle QD)

The car looks bright but not as bright when it only had the Klasse twins. It has this "skin" of gloss? kinda of a layer of transparent plastic over itm or some sort of like "you looking into a pond and there`s a nice reflection" kinda thing... But not comparable to the reflection you see in a black or dark colored car.

Yesterday, on my way home.. I parked right next to a silver Jetta. For some reason, I find the Silver Jetta`s very very Impressive. yep.. my little Focus is up to par.

To be honest, after all the description of what wax and polymer`s shine looks like.. I still don`t have the vaguest clue what they are. I the only way to know is to do it and see if you like it.

07-12-2002, 12:32 PM
Holy crap, FocusRun!

You`re in Westchester?! So am I. I`ll have to invite you over to see the car when it`s "done". It`ll also be good to have another pair of Autopian eyes tell me if I`m right or not about the look.

I have a PC with all kinds of pads and products if need it.

P.S. My Leatherique arrives tomorrow! I can`t wait to try it out.

07-12-2002, 12:45 PM
Originally posted by Tortuga

Holy crap, FocusRun!

You`re in Westchester?! So am I. I`ll have to invite you over to see the car when it`s "done". It`ll also be good to have another pair of Autopian eyes tell me if I`m right or not about the look.

I have a PC with all kinds of pads and products if need it.

P.S. My Leatherique arrives tomorrow! I can`t wait to try it out.

Hey, I`m from Westchester too... :xyxthumbs ;)

07-12-2002, 12:53 PM
I just got off the phone with Dwayne at www.premiumautocare.com. He said that I should be able to see a difference if I insert Platinum between the Klasse and the P21S.

He said that 5 coats is where deminishing returns start and that I should wait one day between coats.

He also said that P21S is his favorite caranuba wax.

Given the "garage queen" status of my car and how I`ll be frequently adding P21S, he said that it`s reasonable that I could get a year out of the Platinum. But generally, daily drivers can expect about 4 months of protection from a few coats of Platinum.

Based upon all the posts here about Platinum and Dwayne`s comments, I ordered a bottle.

I`m probably going to add 5 to 10 coats of Platinum. I realize that any more than 5 may not look any better, but I want the paint to be well protected from the elements and my frequent detailing.

07-12-2002, 12:57 PM
Chris S,

We should all get together all the people in the area and have a "Autopia day".

My fellow C32 AMG owners in the area get together once in a while. We should do the same thing here.

BTW, I LOVE the M3. Looks like you did a great detailing job on it. Your pictures look great!

07-12-2002, 01:11 PM
Thanks for the kind words. My M3 is still a work in progress. I purchased it from an owner who obviously wasn`t an autopian, let`s put it that way. Not to say it was in bad shape, just in need of some TLC. It`s taking me some time, b/c of these damn water restrictions in our area. I feel guilty breaking the law so often! :eek:

We should definitely have a "meet" sometime; share tips, demo products.....Would be a blast!!!

What part of Westchester are you in exactly?

Originally posted by Tortuga

Chris S,

We should all get together all the people in the area and have a "Autopia day".

My fellow C32 AMG owners in the area get together once in a while. We should do the same thing here.

BTW, I LOVE the M3. Looks like you did a great detailing job on it. Your pictures look great!

07-12-2002, 02:07 PM
I`m in White Plains. You?

Oh...and the law specifically states that washing your car with a bucket is LEGAL.



for a simplified version of the drought law. It states, "Automobile washing with a bucket is permitted." I`m a true Autopian so I always use THREE buckets when I wash (one for soap, one for rinse, and one with soap to wash the mit before I use it agian).

You can read the actual law at:


And you can check the water levels in the reserviors at:


You might also note that there is a breakdown by reservior system at:


Interestingly enough, where we are, the Westchester County reserviors are at 93.1% of capacity, but Fuhrer Spano won`t lift our restrictions. (It`s all about politics and getting his face on TV. It`s not about water.) It`s all the other reservior systems that are well below their normal levels. Also, we`ve had more rain that usual in the last few months so the levels are definitely going up.

Anyway...I`ll keep using buckets.

07-12-2002, 02:15 PM
Yeah, I`ve noticed our water levels are up above 90% also. Hence why i don`t feel so guilty breaking the rules from time to time. I do bucket wash also sometimes... But rinsing by bucket is nothing short of a pain, don`t you find?