View Full Version : Paint Chip Repair..

07-11-2002, 02:08 PM

I got egged Monday night and I`m pretty upset.

This was a fastball! The impact was so hard that it created

a crater effect with a hundred little holes in it`s circumference.

Kind of like a rasberry you would get when hit by a baseball

in your thigh.

I was able to buff out [aggresively] much of the rasberry effect

but with doing so I lost a little paint. Looks somewhat

like burning an edge with a PC. It`s not big but it`s about

a quarter inch wide and one inch long. I`m hoping to treat it

like a paint chip repair.

My question for the paint chip pros. When I apply the touch up, as it dries it has a kind of flat paint look. Does this look go away when you wet sand[2000 grit] and polish?

Also, must you wait the full week for the touch up to dry

before you do finishing steps like many recommend?

BTW- If you get egged make sure you wash the egg off ASAP.

I did not know it but dried egg acts like paint remover.

I since heard of people having to repaint cars due to baked on egg.
