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07-14-2004, 11:58 PM
i dont have an extractor for the carpets and upholstry. i thought i would never survive without one.

does anyone think its possible to achieve (the look) and feel and same cleanlyness with a wet/dry vac then with an extractor.

can i survive without one? or is it something i should look to invest in. does anyonew else only work with vac`s. what is a good vac besides the vac n` blo or is that good enough.
please answer its a valid question and id like to hear everyones thoughts on it . thanks

07-15-2004, 01:51 AM
I did it really early on before I got my extractor...

Takes a LOT of work w/ the wet/dry vac. You can get all the soap residue out of the carpets with the wet/dry vac but the carpets will be more wet than w/ a carpet extractor. Just don`t soak the carpets down too much.

jason rawls
07-15-2004, 06:57 AM
I`ve got a 6.5 hp shop-vac which takes up a lot of room but its pretty powerful nonetheless. I spray the carpets with diluted Simple Green and a foaming shampoo, then agitate the carpet with a brush attachment on my PC. Then I vacuum up what I can with my Shop - Vac. I also have a Bissell Steam Cleaner that I use to do floor mats and soak up extra water that my S-V didn`t catch.

07-15-2004, 09:35 AM
You can get a Little Green Machine for about 100 bucks the Pro-heat model is what I have. Its great for the weekend guy and also is gret around the house.
Great investment for the money

07-15-2004, 11:45 AM
jason rawls. we are in the same boat. i am not a weekend detailer though and the time consumption of shop vac is none the less nuts. dont bother bangin out interiors real quick. i never had any complaints though about it . it takes alot of water up . and most of the dirt comes up no problem. thanks for the feedback guys

07-15-2004, 01:00 PM
Originally posted by ohsoclean
jason rawls. we are in the same boat. i am not a weekend detailer though and the time consumption of shop vac is none the less nuts. dont bother bangin out interiors real quick. i never had any complaints though about it . it takes alot of water up . and most of the dirt comes up no problem. thanks for the feedback guys

If you`re not a weekend detailer, then it`s pretty much something you should invest in if you`re doing full interiors details offering carpet cleaning.

Find the money to get an extractor. You`ll be able to clean interiors better and faster. You can also charge a little more than you use to also. Mine paid for itself quickly.

07-15-2004, 01:52 PM
Don`t worry to much about not having $1000 exctractor as clean dean said the little green will surfice just fine there is always some elbow grease involved to do the job right the little green will suck out most of the water left behind. And is only $100 bucks wel worth the money..

07-15-2004, 03:01 PM
Anyone know of a good place to get carpet extrators for someone that`s working out of a car? Size is the issue and so is weight. Thanks for the info..

07-15-2004, 07:03 PM
where can i get one of these bissel little green things. is the most powerfull shop vac recomended for use of vaccume. i have one old one that bucket mounts and its more powerful then my 6.5 i have at the shop also. i guess those will do . but the bissel . where do i get one . whats the name and model of it. i look in walmart pretty often becuase im in there buying my buckets and applicator pads some times .

07-15-2004, 10:18 PM
I have seen the bissel little green machines at Wal-Mart and also Target. If you buy one let me know what you think. I am a weekend detailer and have been thinking about one also. If you buy one get the proheat version thats what everyone seems to recommend.

07-15-2004, 10:30 PM
no prob if i get one ill let you know without a doubt. I am not a weekend detailer though. so i dont know if it will withstand the abuse and use i will give it.

07-15-2004, 11:42 PM
ohsoclean, do you have the room to carry a full sized carpet extractor like a Sensei? It is what I have an use and love it. It`s well worth the money.

If you`re a weekend warrior, then you`ll need something that is made to take the abuse of daily use.

jason rawls
07-16-2004, 08:01 AM
I`ve bought a LGM from Wal - Mart and I must say that it totally sucks. Maybe its because its not the heated model but I have yet to see that one in WM. The one they had was $70 and is a complete waste of money.

07-16-2004, 06:44 PM
How much does one of the sensei`s cost. I am not moble i am a settled location. I will be buying my first truck and doing little bits of mobilized detailing her and there .... rental car company accounts. police vehicles and a few limos. so i would need something i can load and unload or with a long enough house to rach down out of the bed. (there is goin to be a generator stationary in the bed of the truck. )

07-17-2004, 01:29 AM
I believe their around $1250 - $1300.

Make sure you get one with a 100psi water pump at least.

I lift the Sensei in and out of my truck. I believe it`s suppose to weigh around 50lbs empty. After every job I suck the water left in the supply tank and drain and rinse out the reclaim tank.

Their are also other good carpet extractors out there. Detail plus also has some carpet extractors on their webpage. Can look at their webpage detailplus.com for more info on those.

I prefer to go with a local place incase I need repairs I don`t have to send my unit off somewhere.

Originally posted by ohsoclean
How much does one of the sensei`s cost. I am not moble i am a settled location. I will be buying my first truck and doing little bits of mobilized detailing her and there .... rental car company accounts. police vehicles and a few limos. so i would need something i can load and unload or with a long enough house to rach down out of the bed. (there is goin to be a generator stationary in the bed of the truck. )