View Full Version : PC Speeds

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MX racer
07-10-2002, 11:49 PM
There are many topics covering what pads to use with the PC, but there hasn`t been a lot of talk about which speed to use. I assume that when you use a rubbing compound or SMR, the speed would depend on severity, so I`m going to be using 6 for that step. But when I get ready to apply the glaze and wax, which speed should I use? I`m totally clueless on this and I haven`t been able to uncover satisfactory results through search...maybe it`s just my choice of keywords :confused: Anyway, any help will be greatly appreciated.

07-10-2002, 11:55 PM
Have you seen this video? It covers the basics. Have a look.

DavidB`s PC video (http://autopia-carcare.com/lib/autopia/Buffing768.wmv)

MX racer
07-11-2002, 12:08 AM
I never can get it to open...says something about the file path.

I`ve watched the Meguiar`s Video on the DA Polisher but I don`t recal anything about the speeds...I could be wrong though. Just for those wondering, I`ll be applying #7 & #26 (glaze & wax) if that makes a difference as to speed.

07-11-2002, 12:34 AM
If i remember correctly you can use #7 with a DA but i think it will work gust as well if you apply it by hand, i think. I would also apply the wax by hand.

You should keep the speed low with #7 and #26, no faster than four 2.5 or 3 would be best.

With an abrasive product like FI2 you should start buffing slow, then speed up as you buff, the speed helps break down the abrasives.

07-11-2002, 08:35 AM
I`ve been wondering the same thing. Yesterday was mine first time using mine. I applied SMR to my hood, trunk and sunroof. I never got to a speed above 4 primarily b/c I was a little afraid to for fear of doing some sort of damage. With that said, the product never completely "broke-down". I would get it to a point where buffing was relatively easy. Should i be using speeds above 4 with SMR?

07-11-2002, 08:49 AM
If you`re new to the PC then I think you should spend some time searching for posts about them. There have been several terrific posts about PC usage from people like CARGUY and GEEKYSTEVE. Plese search for them and read.

PC usage is both simple and complex. Getting the best results is like an artist using fingerpaint to create a masterpiece. Even if you had a paint-by-number pallete you still would not be able to create art until you gained some experience.

Start with the basics, don`t get too engrossed in what speed or what pad or what product, keep it simple, its a learning process.

There are lots of variables involved and even if we gave you an owners manual it still won`t answer all the questions. Best thing I can say is spend more time buffing than reading. You`ll learn a lot more that way.

Good luck and have fun!!

07-11-2002, 11:39 AM
Apply to pad- 3 radial lines.

Spread product on 2`x2` area at about 3.5.

Step up to 5 for firm passes- 3 or 4.

As product dries, lighten pressure to less than the mass of the PC and increase speed to 5.5-6.

Buff by hand.

In my experience, the 3M SMR gets too dry too quickly if you try and work it at speed 6 too early.



07-11-2002, 07:52 PM
The more I use my PC, the more I trust it. And the less patient I get using slow speeds - which do nothing but less work in more time. SO - I now use 6 for all abrasive processes, like fine-cut rubbing compound, FI-II, and SMR. For waxing, glazing, and buffing I use 4-5.

Remember, it is just a "faster hand". I see no benefit in going SLOWER than this, unless it is to convince yourself/develop your own sense of trust that the machine and compound aren`t going to be hard to control, aren`t going to burn anything, aren`t going to rip your paint off.

Speed it up and get it done!

MX racer
07-12-2002, 12:28 AM
Even though I`m new to the PC game, I kinda had the same attitude as CarGuy...I mean, I spent the $100 to get it done faster and better, so why not take advantage of its power? Also, why wouldn`t I use a PC for the wax and glaze. From what I`ve been told, I`ll get a better shine if I use the PC with the glaze and wax. I`ll do all removal by hand w/ my MF towels from Ranney (DaMan!)...

MX racer
07-12-2002, 12:32 AM
BTW carguy...what did you use on the `01 Porche...I am envious. On that self portrait pic at first I thought you were taking it in a REAL mirror, then I noticed the Porche EMBLEM...I almost freaked out...man that is amazing. LET ME KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah...nice car...lol :bow

MX racer
07-12-2002, 05:58 PM

07-13-2002, 08:02 PM
I agree with carguy, the slow speeds do nothing but waste time for me. When I first started using the PC I was on speed 3 and sometimes 4, I was very disappointed! I didnt start to get any good results until speed 6. I guess its because I`m used to a rotary buffer.

imported_Indy YZF
07-14-2002, 02:42 PM
I now use 6 for all abrasive processes, like fine-cut rubbing compound

Carguy, what has been your experience with the PC and Fine Cut Rubbing Compound? Have you found it effective at getting out the scratches? Have you found you could break down the product sufficiently without resorting to a rotary, to not leave its own scratching?

Any other tips, other than using it at a fast speed?

07-15-2002, 01:12 AM
Originally posted by tblythe

I never can get it to open...says something about the file path.

I`ve watched the Meguiar`s Video on the DA Polisher but I don`t recal anything about the speeds...I could be wrong though. Just for those wondering, I`ll be applying #7 & #26 (glaze & wax) if that makes a difference as to speed.

Do you have a firewall on your computer? You might have set it to block your player from accessing the internet.

07-15-2002, 06:07 AM
I have the same problem, at home AND at work! At work i may well be my firewall, but not at home!