View Full Version : 3M IHG/Klasse SG?

07-09-2002, 01:22 AM
Hi everyone,

I think it`s about that time that I add some more luster to my paint because it`s been a while since I`ve detailed my car. At the same time, I wish to get rid of all the fine hair-line scratches that are visible at certain angles and in sunlight. What I was planning on doing was washing with dawn, claying, washing again, applying some 3M IHG, then topping it off with some Klasse SG. Does anyone know if that`ll be a good combo (IHG/SG)? I`m hoping that the IHG will seal in most of the scratches and the SG will seal them in even more. I am planning on applying about 3-4 layers of SG, btw.

Just as an FYI, the last time I clayed/SG`d my car was back in February (2 coats). I IHG`d it probably 2 months before that. I was just wondering if I need to go ahead and strip the SG that I applied back then (even though the luster is not as visible as it was back when it was freshly applied) before I start anew.

Also, is there anything else that I can use as a lubricant for the clay besides Quick Detail spray? I used Meguire`s QD spray the first time I clayed my car and although it worked pretty well, I wasn`t really fond of the residue that was extra hard to rinse off afterward.

Everyone`s input would be greatly appreciated and needed. Thanks in advance everyone! Have a nice day.



07-09-2002, 03:01 AM
Hi Matt, if you want use IHG to get rid of some swirls and finish off with SG I would either Dawn wash and then use AIO, or use AIO twice. Then apply SG. IHG is supposed to be full of fillers and stuff that SG doesn`t like to bond to, but they fill in swirls. You might seal some of the fillers in, but I would definitely do AIO or Dawn first. For more actual polishing action you might want to try SMR instead since I think IHG is a very mild polish if it polishes at all. Of course some swirls and scratches will require something even stronger, or can`t be removed at all. Multiple layers of SG will also help fill swirls. I know it does for me! :)

07-09-2002, 07:02 AM
AFAIK, IHG is _only_ fillers, and is likely to inhibit the adhesion of the SG. Try SMR or PI II instead to actually remove the scratches instead of filling them.

I use dawn/water as lube for claying; works good and is cheap!


07-09-2002, 12:11 PM
I was also thinking about using AIO to cover up the swirls until I saw this here: (http://www.properautocare.com/kla-16.html)

Con: Can highlight swirls and paint imperfections.

Con: Some enthusiasts feel the shine is "sterile" on dark color cars.

Porterdog, what`s PI II?

Thanks guys.

07-09-2002, 12:35 PM
IMHO SG and IHG are a bad combo. The oils in the IHG will interfere with the SG bonding properly. The fine scratches may be in the sealant, so try a layer of SG and see if they diminish. If they are in the paint you will have to remove them as suggested with Finnese-it II, SMR etc. Car wash/shampoo diluted with water works well as a lube for clay. If you feel your IS looks sterile after you have all the layers of SG you want then put a coat of carnauba on top for some warmth.


07-09-2002, 01:17 PM
Thanks again guys.

Out of curiosity, how many of you have USED Klasse AIO and it actually covered up minor swirl marks on a dark-colored vehicle? That`s one thing that I forgot to mention, the scratches on my car are very minor. I cant` decide on whether to get 3M SMR for dark-colored cars, or Klasse AIO. I want to lean towards the AIO side due to the fact that it does almost everything in one shot (cleans, polishes, etc.), but I`m kind of iffy on its swirl mark removing properties.

07-09-2002, 01:26 PM
I tend to think of AIO as good cleanser rather than a swirl remover. I find it only removes only the mildest of paint marring/swirling and that’s with my DA polisher. Does a super job at leaving a very clean surface and a layer of sealant though.


07-09-2002, 01:26 PM
Personally I didn`t check at all if AIO did any swirl removal or highlighting. I firmly believe the Klasse twins are meant to be used as a system, so all I expected of the AIO was to chemically clean the surface up a bit. Then I let the SG do all the swirl filling and shining. The archives have reports of SG filling in swirl marks with multiple coats, and I`ve found this to be true. So basically even if the AIO "highlights swirls/imperfections" and "looks sterile", I say who cares? :nixweiss because I`ll be covering all that up with SG anyway, which is the real magic of the Klasse system.

Oh yeah, and I used 3M SMR before 2xAIO because I honestly don`t think you can really compare the polishing action of SMR with something as mild as AIO. Hope this helps!

07-09-2002, 07:00 PM
Ok, I finally made my decision on what to do and ordered BOTH the 3M SMR for dark-colored cars, and Klasse AIO.

What I plan on doing once I receive those items is:

1. Dawn wash

2. Clay

3. Wash

4. 3M SMR

5. AIO

6. SG

Does that plan sound good?

Also, is it necessary to wait for the SMR to cure before putting on the AIO/SG? Do you guys have any suggestions on how the SMR should be applied? Keep in mind that I do not own a PC buffer. Thanks again guys!! :xyxthumbs

07-09-2002, 08:56 PM
Sounds like a good plan. Although I’d move the dawn wash to follow the 3M SMR to wash away the oils it contains, AIO would probably take of this anyways. SMR doesn’t need to cure. As far as usage w/o a PC, eat your Wheaties ;)


07-09-2002, 09:13 PM

hope this helps.

07-09-2002, 09:45 PM
Originally posted by four20

IPorterdog, what`s PI II?

Perfect-It III, by 3M. Never used it, but read in several places it`s basically an SMR-type product with no fillers. Look here (http://www.autopia-carport.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=11769&highlight=Perfect+It+SMR) . I like the sound of it and will get some when my SMR is gone.

Ditto the others who say not much filling from AIO...


07-13-2002, 11:56 AM
I have a new car and I used AIOx1 and SGx1. then slowly over time(3 months) I started to notice swirl marks probably due to my weekly washings. So I tried IHG and this totally made all the swirls disappear, even a few deeper scratches were taken care of too. We shall see how long this lasts but I was thinking that a coat of carnuba on top of this should lock in the IHG for a while. Today the paint looks as good if not better than the day I took the car home. I am totally amazed at what the IHG did. Yes, SG will not bond to IHG but the other way around seems to be effective.

imported_Erik Mejia
07-13-2002, 05:14 PM
IHG is said to contain no silicone or waxes, and can be painted over......if paint bonds to it, why wouldnt SG bond? IF 3M recommends to paint over it (paint turns into "fish eyes" where there is silicone or grease) i dont see why it would not bond.......
