View Full Version : LS, P21s Paint Cleanser and Megs #26

07-08-2002, 08:33 PM
Let me preface my review by saying the pics I`ve taken did not have the best of lighting to effectively portray the results. I did this hurried comparison as soon as I arrived home from work but before the wife had dinner ready. I was outside (in 90 degree/80% humidity) still in my shirt and tie. Also, the lighting for the pics wasn`t the best...natural light at 7:00 pm with lots of overhead tree branches to create shadows. My apologies for the less than professional backdrop and lighting. I`ll make some comparisons to Megs products only because that is what I use and have the most experience with. Lastly, I wouldn`t dare claim to be an expert, nothing could be farther from the truth. In fact, I`m just a regular Joe who loves keeping his truck looking it`s absolute best all the time. I`ve learned alot from you folks here and only offer this as a novice opinion so take it as such.

My LS and P21s Paint Cleanser arived today and I just couldn`t wait until the weekend to try them. My truck is still super clean from a weekend wash and QD and is still beads like crazy from a coat of Megs #26 that is only a few weeks old. Here is what I did (everything by hand and applied with new yellow foam pads);

- Dawn washed only the hood.

- clayed the entire hood with the Mother`s Clay kit.

- Dawn washed the hood again.

- Anxious to try the P21s Paint Cleanser, I decided to do the whole hood. I could see a couple very faint water spots (only when viewed from severe angles and still, ever so faint) so I figured the P21s would take care of them and prep the paint for the wax. The P21s Paint Cleanser is very slippery stuff. It is like melted butter and goes on very easily. The directions didn`t say whether or not to let it dry to a haze so I waited a few minutes then buffed with a JT Int`l mf towel. I found out, it actually comes off easier if you let it dry a bit longer. The P21s Cleanser buffs off easily and didn`t streak at all.....when I let it dry long enough. Unfortunately, it didn`t seem to do much in the way of paint cleaning as the faint water spots are still there. But it did impart a nice wet gloss to the paint. Seemed more like a glaze than a paint cleaner.

- with the hood gleaming from the P21s, I decided to do a comparison between the new LS and my trusty Megs #26 so I did half the hood with the LS and the other with #26. The LS smelled so good I wanted to pour it into a tall glass with ice and stick an mini umbrella and a pineapple slice in it. As expected, application of the LS was a breeze. I let it sit for about 10 minutes and buffed it off with another mf towel. To my surprise, removal wasn`t a snap. It took quite a bit of rubbing in some spots to buff it out and viewing from different angles kept revealing spots that needed further buffing. I can honestly say, I`m not sure I`d want to do the whole truck with it. The finish was nice and smooth and had a very nice gloss.

- The other side of the hood I used my Megs #26. No surprises there as I`ve been using it for a long time. `Nuff said.

After I was done, I really scrutinized both sides of the hood. The touch test....no difference in slickness between the LS and Megs side. Gloss, my opinion, Megs #26 wins. Depth of gloss or warmness.....no clear winner, IMO, I would say it`s a tie. I will say this, #26 is easier to buff out. Perhaps since I`m not used to liquid waxes it is possible I applied the LS too heavily but I really don`t think so. Maybe I needed to wait longer on the LS but again, I had to really use some elbow grease to get it totally buffed out.

To me, the P21s cleanser is a glaze not entirely unlike Megs #7. It is thicker than #7 but doesn`t seem to really clean the paint as much as it does wet the paint with oils and solvents.....just like #7. If your finish is in need of a good, deep cleaning the P21s is not what you want.

Back to the LS vs. #26. Call me crazy but I just don`t think LS was worth it. It is twice as expensive as the other and didn`t look any better. In fact, I think #26 looked better. Plus, being a liquid I doubt it`ll protect as long as the #26 paste. I know... don`t compare a paste to a liquid wax for durability but given the cost difference I think the durability factor is fair to bring into the equation.

Here are some pics. If you draw a line from the windshield to the front bumper smack in the middle of the hood (between the two washer nozzles) that is where the line of demarcation is. I won`t say which side was the LS side yet...try to guess. I`ll wait a day to let you know.

07-09-2002, 02:21 AM
Double check the instructions on the P21S GEPC bottle. Should not the solution be worked into the paint, rather than allowing it to dry? The action alone should have removed the faint water spots. In any case, P21S GEPC is a very mild cleaner at best.

As far as an undercoat for carnuba, which do you like better between #7 and GEPC? No, the products do not do the same thing and were intended for different purposes, but I wonder. Maybe GEPC with #7 on top?

07-09-2002, 07:29 AM
Well the GEPC was easier than #7 to remove as the Megs glaze does seem to streak quite a bit. But, #7 does seem to give it a more wet gloss which is exactly what it is intended to do. I guess if gloss enhancement is the sole criteria for picking the undercoat, I would say #7 over the GEPC.

As for the GEPC, I did work it in fairly well by hand though not to the point where it disappeared. Perhaps I should have worked it a little more. Agreed, it is a very mild cleaner. As for #7 over GEPC, I think I would opt for something with a little more cleaning power.....maybe PPCC, One-Grand Special Touch or Megs MPPC then follow up with the #7. That I`m sure would be a great base for a coat of a good carnauba.

Thanks for the comments and suggestions!

07-11-2002, 05:58 PM
Could you resize your pics and repost them? I`d love to see how it turned out.

07-11-2002, 06:46 PM
Actually, if you read the LS label it says to remove without letting it dry.

07-11-2002, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by Rob_K

Actually, if you read the LS label it says to remove without letting it dry.

Well then I`ve got a defective bottle because it says

"....Simply apply a small amount to a dry terry cloth applicator, wipe on using small circular motions. Buff off with a cotton towel or the Pinnacle Microfiber Detailing Cloth."

Perhaps just the fact that they don`t even mention whether or not to let it dry infers it should not be left to dry :nixweiss. It would be nice to be a bit more clear though.