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07-07-2002, 09:07 PM
hey guys,

i am really fed up with klasse (for sale in abay), i am looking for something different.

i use zaino on my car, but my parents cars and my sisters i used klasse until now. how would you guys compared blackfire and platinum to it?, i have searched from what i c, is they don`t last as long, i don`t see any long term test with blackfire or platinum.

i`m leaning towards blackfire because of the layering (as far as i know platinum has longer wait time between coats).


07-07-2002, 09:33 PM
I`ve used Klasse and Blackfire on a black car. While Klasse (2x AIO, 3x SG) looked great, it really didn`t compare to blackfire in terms of shine and ease of use. I was really impressed with the carnauba-like shine of BF.....and yes, there`s also the layerability and cure-time issue. I haven`t tried Platinum so I can`t really speak for it, but my impression is that it`s very similar to Blackfire (except for the instant cure time, of course).

The only downside (which you`ve already mentioned) is that BF is very lacking in durability. Just be sure to use a mild shampoo (avoid Pinnacle BS and BF shampoo) and you should be fine.

07-07-2002, 10:48 PM
why are you fed up with klasse?

07-08-2002, 06:58 AM
i am fed up because when i buff it off i always have spots that are hard to remove that stay behind that i have to clean up over the next several days.

i don`t think it lasts as long as people say it does, mainly from the water sheeting/beading that i noticed.

what do you all sugest?, i`d rather not use zaino on those cars (want my looking extra nice).

07-08-2002, 08:41 AM
I have used Klasse and Platinum (and others).

I think Klasse and Platinum are great. My problems I had was my technique. You learn some tricks from the pros here on this site and you practice. Then these products do what they said they can do.

Klasse -

AIO, doesn`t get much easier to put on or take off...i ran inot problems putting too much on

SG- same as above need a longer waiting time...some let it sit all night and take it off in morning..

PLatinum - Easy on and off....looks great.. waited 24hours till next coat. recommend their cleaner too,

Both products need a great cleaning job before you put these products on....get rid of the swirls and oxidation.....


07-08-2002, 08:52 AM
I have not used Klasse but I really like the BF. I just did my wife`s car on the 4th. It was 94 with humidity above 70% and I was able to put one layer of polish and 2 layers of sealant in less than 2 hours and took a break between each layer to cool off.

I have done 3 cars in the last month with BF and can`t speak about the durability yet but I don`t really care. Even if it only lasts 4 months instead of 6 it is no big deal since it is so easy to use and it does look great. The instant cure time (20-30 seconds), no hazing, and easy on easy off makes this stuff idiot proof.

07-08-2002, 11:21 AM
Apparently Klasse isn`t really renowned for its beading powers like the way Zaino is, and this is "normal". I washed my freshly Klassed car and it didn`t bead all that well - at least not as well as I`d like it to. :)

I don`t know anything about BF, but I heard Meguiars #20 and Zaino bead like crazy.

07-08-2002, 02:21 PM
Originally posted by 4DSC

I don`t know anything about BF, but I heard Meguiars #20 and Zaino bead like crazy.

Yep, Zaino has the best beading I`ve ever seen! NOTHING seems to stick to it!:D


07-08-2002, 02:33 PM
I`ve used #20 exclusively for the last 6 months, and yeah, when it`s fresh, it beads like crazy. However, I found that the extreme beading action only lasts about 1 month (in a garaged car which is washed once a week), then it begins to sheet more than bead. Protection is still there (I can tell by how easily the dirt washes off) but the beading is not as good. So I like to put a fresh coat on once a month, just because I like the beading action! :xyxthumbs

From the pictures that I have seen, Zaino is the finest product out there, if beading is what you like.

07-08-2002, 03:37 PM
Hmm, it seems like you’re trying to find an affordable sealant that is practical enough for your friends’ and family’s car. Have you considered Automotive International OEM One-Step? Jason reviewed it (http://www.autopia-carport.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=8766) and found it to be very similar to Klasse AIO.

Hey, it’s also more economical too!

C. Charles Hahn
07-08-2002, 03:40 PM
BW - the answer is yes ;) (to your subtitle)

07-08-2002, 03:51 PM
We bought our Onyx Black Avalanche Z66 back on March 23 (I think), and ever since, I`ve used Klasse and Platinum. Started out using only AIO (thought that`s all you needed), but then also bought some SG. I liked the results from the AIO but the SG never really impressed me much. Hard to put on just the right amount, extrememly hard to buff off in my experiences, and the shine wasn`t that great after just the first wash. Accumulated 3 coats of Klasse AIO and 3 coats of SG before ordering some Platinum.

Gave the Av a good wash (Meguiar`s Gold Class wash + Klasse AIO mix), and applied the Platinum. At first, I put 3 coats of the UPP on and then 2 more coats the next day. Put another coat on 2 weeks later, for a total of 6. Easy on, easy off, just like a good wax. Great, deep, slick shine, too. But, I`d rather have a wetter, more reflective look than I`ve gotten so far. The Platinum wash is also some good stuff and after, the Platinum QD really does bring back the original slickness and shine.

So, what to get? Zaino, of course! I ordered some Z-5, Z-6, Z-7, and Z-FX. Haven`t done the Z process yet (hoping too soon), but have experimented with it on several of my 1/18th scale die-cast cars (great way to try out paint products by the way!), and have been really impressed by the wet look and very slick finish.

The Klasse and Platinum have always "bubbled" water like crazy, and with 12 coats of stuff on it now, it`s just amazing how the water rolls off. I only hope the Zaino is as good or better (though I don`t now how it could be!).

Never really thought of using Blackfire due to the dulling, and dust attraction factors. But, you never know!

07-08-2002, 04:04 PM
One Grand :)


07-08-2002, 04:07 PM
I never saw Klasse lose its beading power. Of course, I was putting a fresh coat of SG on once a day for a couple weeks and then I went nuts layering carnuba on top of that.

07-08-2002, 04:25 PM
Back when I was using Klasse, I noticed that even with multiple layers of AIO and SG, the slickness and beading would diminish considerably as the weeks wore on. I`m with tomciomb on this one... I too, am not so sure Klasse lasts as long as long as it`s hyped to last.

Of course, maybe I`m being a bit too hard on Klasse and judging its beading/slickness properties without applying it every week and topping it with carnauba all the time the way Jngrbrdman did. :rolleyes: Comparably, I didn`t notice any decline in slickness or beading with Eagle One Wet Wipe N` Shine quick detailer, but then again I applied it daily for weeks and then applied carnauba over it several times. :bow