View Full Version : PC question

07-07-2002, 04:29 PM
I went to lowes wal mart add in hand and got my PC. But it just so happened the person who helped me was the manager and she knew all about the add. The competition has to have the item stocked. Walmart doesn`t stock it`s sstroes with 7336 7242 ect. So I couldn`t get teh discount. I told her how I felt though.

Here`s my questions.

When I turned it on. it makes a loud noise. hard to explain. This normal?

When i placec my hand under the white pad it came with (not sanding but polishing) my hand gets warm/hot. Thought this producced little to no heat. Is this normal?

07-07-2002, 05:19 PM
Yes the noise is normal. Anytime you have friction there will be heat. It seems hotter than it really is on your hand because human skin is very temperature sensitive. The finish on a car is much harder, therefore it takes more heat to affect it. The amount of heat produced by the PC will not do any harm to the paint finish.

07-07-2002, 05:50 PM
Gotta love physics.

BTW, I dont recommend trying out any power tool on your hands (or any other body part) to see how they work....unless you have a Darwin Award aspiration. Use them as they are intended.

MX racer
07-07-2002, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by RH

BTW, I dont recommend trying out any power tool on your hands (or any other body part) to see how they work....unless you have a Darwin Award aspiration.


I went to Lowe`s w/ the Internet Wal-Mart add. The girl was like, ok, but then she couldn`t figure out how to do it on the computer, called her manager over there. I was like, well, I`m screwed...but the manager just looked @ the paper. She didn`t seem to notice it was a printed out internet ad, NOR did she notice it was for the 5" model (no model # was listed though). I guess I got lucky...or perhaps it`s just my charming smile :D LOL

Dave N
07-07-2002, 10:48 PM
>When I turned it on. it makes a loud noise. hard to explain. This normal?

The first PC I bought had something wrong with it. When I took it out of the box, I noticed that the counter-weight was slightly askew. Then when I turned it on, the noise was very loud and "grindy". I took it back to Lowe`s and compared it to another one off the shelf. The first PC definitely had a problem, because it was much louder in a side-by-side test (and had the grinding noise, like the gears were out of wack). Lowe`s exchanged it.

The normal noise for the PC is kind of odd, and I`ve never heard anything quite like it. It`s kind of like a handful of peanuts in a blender...