View Full Version : Less expensive Car Wash soap alternative

07-06-2002, 05:24 AM
Just wondering if anyone has tried using Shampoo as a less expensive car wash soap substitute.

If you buy the stuff for normal hair it will not strip out the oils from your wax finish (maybe).

Has anyone done this? It has to be better that using dish soap for a car wash.

07-06-2002, 06:13 AM
wax-safe car wash solution is way cheaper than hair shampoo. You can get a good-sized jug of car wash solution for a few dollars.

I`ve tried many different brands and they all work pretty much the same (yah, I know...duh). Some just smell better than others. Then there is the clever marketing to create the expensive, high end car wash products.

Now I just pick up whatever Costco happens to be selling...right now, it`s Zymol car wash solution.

07-07-2002, 10:05 AM
I just bought a gallon of the Zymol car wash at Costco last week for around $6. That`s pretty cheap.

07-07-2002, 10:36 AM
Isn`t the Zymol you buy at Coscto and Walmart and Kmart made by Turtle Wax?

07-07-2002, 10:57 AM
Hair shampoos often contain oils and other things that will leave a film on the surface of your car. It`s best to stick with a shampoo designed for use on cars. Target sells a gallon of Meguiars Gold Class wash for under $10. That`s pretty cheap and it`s a lot of wash, it will take you a while to go through a gallon.

07-07-2002, 11:02 AM
I use cherry suds from Pro Wax. Have a gallon in he garage. Works awesome. They operate off suppliers. Ther is one near almost everyone.if not you can mail order.

07-07-2002, 11:07 AM
I think someone needs to perform the Ultimate Auto Shampoo test. :xyxthumbs I wonder if any of the sponsors would be willing to donate 1 bottle each of the shampoos they sell? If they would, I`d volunteer to do the test.:D

07-07-2002, 12:02 PM
I thought Intel486 was doing a big car shampoo test?