View Full Version : P21S GEPC - dulls paint finish?

07-05-2002, 05:18 PM
Today I cleaned the car, but as it got darker, the streetlights came on. By this time I had put a layer of Autoglym Super Resin on most of the panels and was experimenting with P21S GEPC. Looking at the paint under false (street) lights, the P21S was darkening the colour of the (black) car. This was a little strange but even stranger it (P21S) did appear to dull the finish slightly.

Does P21S have some kind of fillers in it? Or could it be some kind of reaction to the Autoglym?

The panels without P21S definitely looked glosser compared to P21S covered ones, it just does not make sense.


07-05-2002, 05:23 PM
Well, I know the P21s has tons of oils in it and some mild solvents. Some fillers too if I am not mistaken. It could be possible the oils and solvents reacted (began to dissolve) the Autoglym and produced the problem you are seeing.

Then again, it might just be the high oil content that is taking away from the reflection.

07-05-2002, 11:04 PM
Originally posted by ShowroomLincoln

Well, I know the P21s has tons of oils in it and some mild solvents. Some fillers too if I am not mistaken. It could be possible the oils and solvents reacted (began to dissolve) the Autoglym and produced the problem you are seeing.

Then again, it might just be the high oil content that is taking away from the reflection.

So is the P21s Paint Cleaner not recommended? Do other products of its type have similar makeups? I just purchased some P21 Cleanser to use on my red F150. Since my truck is only 8 months old and I`ve kept the paint in great shape I chose the P21 because I read that it was a mild cleaner.

07-06-2002, 12:45 PM
Under normal daylight, the P21S & Autoglym panels look very good. The Autoglym gives a higher gloss whereas the P21S gives a deeper shine - as you would expect.

It must have been the fillers dulling the paint under harsh street lights.

I will leave the panels with both products on, to see what happens.
