View Full Version : My friends gas covered celebrity *pics*

07-03-2002, 06:33 PM
Sup, my friend came over today and i took some pics of his Chevy Celebrity. This was inhereted and never been cleaned. the whole car reeks of gas, I think its been soaked in it from the way the paint is and the rainbows it makes when wet. Its like the paint on the car is actually melting away. These pics were taken when the car was wet since its been raining, but you can see what happens when you touch it the paint comes off on your hands. When you touch it when its dry, it leaves a rainbow colored handprint that then absorbs into the paint. Weird stuff, its in bad comestic shape.

Paint coming off








you can see on the trunk, on the upper left corner where the primer is exposed, thats where i used alittle meguiars body scrub on, not only did it clena the paint but it removed all the loose stuff. The rest of the trunk is prolly the same way. just thought some of you would get a kick outta it :p

C. Charles Hahn
07-03-2002, 06:57 PM
eek!! Thats almost as bad as scottwax`s neighbor`s truck!! :scared

07-03-2002, 07:11 PM
Write "paint me" down the side.

07-03-2002, 09:26 PM
No, no..... drop a match on it. That would be an AWESOME fireworks display.:bow

I wonder why there is gas all over it. Did someone douse it in gas or think they were cleaning something with it? That`s weird as hell.

Is that paint on your finger after wiping the trunk? Obviously the solvents and detergents in the gas are thinning the paint. Its like removing paint with a chemical stripper.

I gotta say that is one of the stranger things I`ve seen in a long time.

07-03-2002, 09:40 PM
its been like that since early 2000. Its kinda a beater really, and has been in that shape since, he never washes it. He`s either driving that or his moms car. Thats I think its a combo of dirt and paint on my hand, because I`ve washed my hands a few times tonight and it still aint totally clean. It also usually has a thick coat of dirt on it. You should see the rag i used to body scrub the corner of his trunk, it was black straight thru to both sides wear i rubbed it, it used to be white.