View Full Version : Newb Question: A few concerns on Klasse

07-03-2002, 12:30 AM

First off, I`d like to say this seems like a very good BBS. I never knew this existed until I got a reference from a fellow maxima.org owner. I`ve been part of maxima.org for a few years now, and I feel right at home. Here, I feel very awkward, as I`m not sure if the questions I`m asking are redundant. So please bear with me :)

A few weeks ago, I did 3 coats of AOI, and 4 coats of SG. For the AOI, I just did the usual wax method, but only using 1-2oz per coat. Anyway, I moved on to SG. I did 1 coat, waited for 1/2 hour, did another, and waited 1/2 again. Then, I did a third coat, buffed it off, and let the car sit overnight (after reading a few threads, I`m starting to notice the method of leaving the actual SG sit for 24 hours). Anyway, I woke up, did another SG, and finished up with Blitz wax.

Well, a week later, I did one coat of SG again, and then topped it off with wax. My question is...

Is it proper to lay the glaze over a wax? Since I just recently waxed and then added SG...I just don`t really know what to do.

I`m a detailing enthusiast by heart...I know because I`m constantly washing and detailing my car, and all of the neighbors think I`m obsessive.

Anyway, feedback, suggestions, and links to other threads (if relevant) would be very helpful. Thank you! :xyxthumbs

07-03-2002, 01:08 AM
I think you can continue puting on more layers of SG. But it seems like after the 5th layer, there isn`t much difference. Once you put on any wax tho. you can no longer layer on any more SG. The SG cannot bond with the paint or the previous layers on SG once you put wax on it.

07-03-2002, 02:07 AM
Hmm another person from the Org! :wavey I guess you must own a 4th or 5th Gen or gone by a different name (like me)?

If you want to add any more SG after waxing you should do a Dawn wash first to strip the wax. Also, did I read that right that you put on 3 SG layers without buffing each off first? Usually people buff and wait a while till the next coat, but I don`t know of anyone trying it this way before.

07-03-2002, 02:16 AM
Hey 4DSC. Actually, I was "Turd Ferguson" on the org. But people actually thought my first name was really "Turd," lol. So it`s now TurDz, just like in this BBS. (it was an old CS nickname) I got it changed by Jambo.

Anyway, I actually DID buff the SG after every coat, sorry I wasn`t clear enough. It took me around 3 days to do the whole process.

After doing a little seraching and reading for about an hour, I`m pretty sure I can answer my own question now. I`d have to leave the car unwaxed if want to continue SG applications, correct?

Another question arose while I was searching (actually, I have a bzillion of them, just can`t remember then though).

I have tiny specs on my hood, and I thought they would disappear after my 3M SMR (the most gentle version), and my Klasse "twins" (im learning the lingo already lol). These "specs" have not gotten through the clear coat, because I can run my hand down the hood in any direction and I can`t feel an imperfection. I can best describe these specs by comparing them to a very slight drizzle. They`re EVERYWHERE on the hood though, and I don`t know how to remove them. Any suggestions?

(BTW, I tried a clay bar on the hood a week prior to the Klasse applications)

thanks, sorry for the overextended posts, I just want to be clear and precise since I have a lot to say.

07-03-2002, 03:19 AM
sorry to add another question, but I have to ask this before I sleep. What do you guys prefer...Zaino or Klasse?

The reason I ask is becuase I`ve seen SO many Zaino pics, and they look amazing. There was this one thread of a silver is300 with Klasse, and the redone with Zaino. And by the pics, Zaino destroys Klasse in terms of shininess and slickness.

I invested about $40 for the twins, and I`m starting to have regrets now. Any help on this issue and my post above would be very helpful. thanks again

07-03-2002, 04:00 AM
Maximas are invading the forum :D

Anyway in response to your questions, I have no idea what those spots of discoloration are on your hood. Could you be more elaborate? What color are they, what color is your car? Could it be tree sap? If you`ve already clayed you may want to try some paint cleaner. Swirl remover will polish down the top layer of your clear coat, but since clear coat is porous you may want to take advantage of some of the cleaning action of various cleaners. The one I use is Mother`s Paint Cleaner/Polish. I`ve been wanting to try PPCL since i`ve heard good things about it.

As far as Klasse vs. Zaino, it`s really a matter of preference. K diehards will say Klasse is better and vice versa. I personally use Klasse and think it looks GREAT on darker colored cars. Add a wax topper and you can`t beat the shine. Zaino does win in slickness and ease of application, but since i don`t want to be tied down to the Z "system" of compatible products I`m sticking with Klasse for the time being. Also waiting longer in between coats helps with slickness and reflectivity. SG takes a while to fully cure.

In your first post you mentioned that you wanted to use glaze on top of wax. I think it would work but it certainly wouldn`t last long on it`s own. The oils and fillers tend to evaporate in about a week unprotected. I`m about to experiment with a layer of glaze in between my Klasse and a wax topper. Stay tuned. :)

07-03-2002, 04:06 AM
thanks for the input!! The spots I`m talking about on my hood CANNOT be seen unless it is under direct flood lighting. My car is Ruby Pearl, a lighter version of burgandy, but a bit darker than a ruby red. :cool:

I`m still awake, and was reading about the pakshak MF towels. How many of them did you get, and for how much?

I`m gonna e-mail him right now. :D

07-03-2002, 01:31 PM
I am a Klasse user. I wait a minimum of 2 hours between applying SG and buffing. Once, even after waiting two hours,I noticed that the product was not dried because as I removed the SG it was sticky( lack of a better description). If I understand your post that you wait 1/2 hour between applying and then buffing then, you may not be layering but removing the product before it has time to cure. In reviewing Intel486 post it maybe that the longer you wait between applying and buffing the better.

I am very happy with my Pak Shak towels and their service however I don`t quote prices because they are not a sponsor.

BTW:Most recommend that you wait a least 24 hours between layers of SG. It is believed that this 24 hour wait improves bonding and shine

07-03-2002, 01:53 PM
Oh, Turd Ferguson!.... I remember that! :D You`ve used "TurDz" in CS? Why does that sound familiar....

Yes, you should leave the surface unwaxed to apply more SG, or like I said just use a simple, basic dishsoap like Dawn to de-wax it.

Sorry, could you describe these specks again? What colour are they? Are they kind of milky water spots or something? :confused: That`s just a guess since you say you can`t feel them. I`m a bit worried that they could be paint problems since 1) you can`t feel them, and 2) between the clay, SMR and AIO they should have been removed. The only things I found those don`t remove 100% is ground in paint transferred from a door ding. You did work the heck out of the SMR right? I would start a new thread about this problem and get the opinion of those more experienced. Of course you can also just.... umm... ignore them. :D

The Zaino vs Klasse thing is an old old old debate with no answer. Personally I think they`re both good and you can`t go wrong with either. It`s true that Zaino is simpler to use and more user friendly with the advent of ZFX, but I thought long and hard about it, and it basically came down to personal desires. I wanted something to add depth and wetness to my car, not just dazzling shine. I also wanted to use a traditional wax on the car once in a while, rather than just go nuts with the Z2 all year or not touch it at all. (People often say that real wax tends to add wetness and depth.) As you might know, using a wax topper on Z is frowned upon and kind of defeats the purpose of getting Z in the first place. Based on this and knowing I`d be stripping and re-applying it only twice a year anyway, I chose Klasse. So it`s not really a question of "Which is better?", but "What do I want to do?"

07-03-2002, 01:55 PM
Originally posted by Chinkzilla

In your first post you mentioned that you wanted to use glaze on top of wax. I think it would work but it certainly wouldn`t last long on it`s own. The oils and fillers tend to evaporate in about a week unprotected. I`m about to experiment with a layer of glaze in between my Klasse and a wax topper. Stay tuned. :) Will do! I want to try this as well, but it`ll be about a week before I get there. :(

07-04-2002, 04:01 AM
Hello again,

I just got my widsom teeth removd this morning by IV sedation, and I didn`t remember a thing! All I remember is them telling me to look away while they inserted that small needle on the top of my hand, and bam, i wake up on my bed at home, lol.

Anyway, once I get a bit better, I`ll do the dawn-wash method that I`ve read a lot about. I heard you should get the the blue version....

and i`ll take your advice 4dsc and post a new thread. thanks everyone for all of the help.