View Full Version : Auri Gold poylmer sealant??

06-29-2002, 01:23 PM
Just got back from AutoZone after buying some motor oil, filter, and the new Eagle1 "Wax as You Dry" detailing spray. Something I noticed on a special display was this polymer sealant called Auri Gold. It was bundled with their shampoo and what looked like a MF rag. Just curious if anyone has heard of this stuff or tried it?? Sounds like a Zaino-esque type product. Supposedly it contains, UV A/B blockers, SPF45 ( they included sunscreen too?? :eek: ), Anti-Static, etc...

Here`s the main website link they had posted on the display: http://www.auri.com/auri/index2.htm

OR, for the exact product click here: http://www.auri.com/auri/cart/store.cfm?ProductID=18&do=detail or here for the exact package deal @ AZ, http://www.auri.com/auri/auri_gold/special/autozone1.htm

$10 for a Klasse size container....dunno. Says they have sold millions of containers of the product, strange I`ve never even heard of them...


C. Charles Hahn
06-29-2002, 01:48 PM
klasse sized, and looks like a klasse container too....

hmm..... :confused:

06-29-2002, 01:58 PM

Please clean out some of your PM`s, your mailbox is full.


06-29-2002, 02:10 PM
Don`t you remember the AURI infomercial that used to run for a couple of years?

They had Mike Levy as the host and some guy with a British or Australian accent putting Hydrochloric acid, paint and fire on the treated surface...it was hilarious.

06-29-2002, 02:24 PM
Originally posted by RIC

Don`t you remember the AURI infomercial that used to run for a couple of years?

They had Mike Levy as the host and some guy with a British or Australian accent putting Hydrochloric acid, paint and fire on the treated surface...it was hilarious.

Hehehe, that`s all I needed to know! I don`t remember them at all, but I don`t usually give those infomercials any attention anyway so I`m not surprised. Anyhow, if they`re up to the good `ole marketing tricks as bait, they can count me OUT!



Please clean out some of your PM`s, your mailbox is full.


Thanks SL, I think I cleaned enough to get me by for a little while! Thanks!


06-29-2002, 03:00 PM
In the Auri commercial, Didn`t they put gas on the hood and set it on fire to demonstrate the protection? Maybe we could do that on a Zainoed hood to compare . :eek: :D . lol


06-29-2002, 03:19 PM
I bought some last time I was at Auto Zone. Heck, it was only like $9.99 so why not give it a shot...

I washed the car with DAWN then their shampoo, dried, then started to apply it. The first thing I noticed it that it is a very thin liquid. Almost water like, and its clear. It smelled terrible. So I started to apply it. Did the whole hood of the Volvo by hand, then buffed w/ my MF and... well... nothing but haze, and a dull shine. The finish was smooth but it took a lot of elbow greese, QD and 2 MFs to shine it up. I guess the final result was okay, but no better than the P21S I had on there before. So I just stripped again and used my same old process.

BTW, that "MF" towel is no MF at all. It is a thick synthetic material that is very rough to the touch. I wasnt about to let it touch my car. I truly belive this product is a scam so don`t buy it. :wavey

07-28-2002, 02:45 AM
Sorry to dredge this topic back up, but during the Autopia blackout I saw an Auri Gold TV commerical here in Canada. Wanted like $40 Cdn for 2 bottles and a vinyl protectant...

Anyway, that commerical is scary! Guy 1: Sees road salt stuck to his lower doors. No problem, just rub some Auri Gold right over it and it will come right off! :eek:

Guy 2: After a barbeque, naturally he`s got ashes all over his trunk! Yes, he was using his hibachi barbeque on his trunk deck and a HUGE pile of ashes was covering it! No problem, with Auri Gold, he can just take a dry cloth and wipe it right off! :shocked

I was both laughing and reeling in horror!

07-28-2002, 11:01 AM

07-28-2002, 11:14 AM
You guys don`t want to be using this stuff, trust me. The older version had some very nasty chemicals in it. From what I have seen of this "updated" version very little has changed.:down