View Full Version : SG application conflict

06-29-2002, 10:35 AM
As per Jimwh`s instruction,

Grab the other applicator and do the same thing (Clap the applicator pad in your hands a few times to get rid of any loose fibers and trim any loose threads.) DO NOT WET IT! Put it aside and shake, shake, shake the Sealant Glaze (SG). Pour about a dime sized drop on to the pad. Start at the trunk lid again and in the direction of airflow apply from one side of the car to the other side.

But from CMA`s Klasse instruction`s

High Gloss Sealant applies the same as All-In-One. Dampen a terry face cloth or microfiber applicator pad with water and wring out the excess. (Applicator should be damp, not wet.) Add a small amount of High Gloss Sealant Glaze (about the size of a nickel) to the applicator pad and apply with large oval motions. Go over each area a few times.

Eeerrr, which one is the right one?

06-29-2002, 10:49 AM
With Zaino I like to use their QD as a lube/moisturizer but SG is so thin and wet you really don’t need anything like that.


06-29-2002, 11:21 AM
Not to further a potential conflict but to add my own experience, I dampen both the applicators for AIO and SG. I had since last year used the AIO app dampened and the SG dry but I never really cared for the way the dry MF app, (less the SG) did not flow or glide easily over the paint. It seems to me, (aka IMO) that you use less product with the SG app damp and get better control over how much you apply in terms of thickness and the amount put down. The SG removal seemed easier as well when the app was damp. I`ve tried it both ways and prefer both app pads damp. I don`t think it negated the SG coverage and that after the first layer, if you do more than one, you should be getting complete coverage by the second and third etc...

P.S. Try it both ways yourself and see what you think:)

06-29-2002, 02:18 PM
I do it with a dry mf app, but I use more SG at the start so that there is a certain level of SG in the applicator. Once the app is loaded up a bit you won`t need to add as much when changing panels.



06-30-2002, 03:17 AM
I did a ton of reading on this a while ago before deciding what I`d do. Quite a few people do it dry, and quite a few do it damp. I finally decided on damp, since I wanted to thin out the product and spread it easier. Also I wasn`t too thrilled with the idea of priming the app with SG till it got loaded.

I tried QD for my 1st two coats, but now settled on only water for 2 reasons. First, it doesn`t cost anything and works just as well. Second, I didn`t want to confuse dried QD residue with dried SG residue. Now once everything`s dried, I can look at any haze or residue and know 100% that it`s SG.

I use a foam hand applicator and make sure I squeeze all the water I can out of it with my fist (insert grunting noises here). Too much dampness leaves behind streaks of mixed water/SG that you have to spread out, otherwise it dries and becomes a curse to buff off. I re-wet it once in a while when it gets dry to the touch. This seems to work well and allows incredibly thin (but invisible) coats, but I`m going to try applying more per area tomorrow since I think I`m being a bit too sparing.

06-30-2002, 03:44 AM
I use an mf applicator pad but, I don`t put a dime size spot in the middle of the pad. I fill a 3 ounce spray bottle with SG and mist the pad. I start out at about 3 sprays on the pad per panel. After the pad becomes more damp then 2 sprays will do. I continually shake the bottle before each use.

Now maybe just my belief but I feel that this method covers better and applies more even.

BTW: I do the same for AIO

Note: by using the small spary bottles it is easy to determine how much product you are using and just stick the bottle in your pocket between sprays. By being able to put the bottle in your pocket you are not having to find a place to sit down the large container. You can purchase these small spray bottles a Walmart.

It works for me

Good Luck

07-07-2002, 11:53 PM
I follow the directions on the Klasse SG bottle, which is to use a dry applicator. The instructions on the Klasse AIO bottle says to use a damp applicator, so there has to be some reason they specifically said to use a dry applicator for SG.

Anyways, after I read about how water can affect the cross-linking, I apply Klasse with a dry SG. If water might have an effect on the cross-linking, I wouldn`t want to use an applicator dampened with a quick detailer either.