View Full Version : Zaino or Klass???

06-25-2002, 01:16 PM
I have read about Zaino but what is Klass?? And are there any differences between the two? Which one do most people prefer to use when they are detailing? Thanks for the help!!

06-25-2002, 01:40 PM
Try doing a search. These have been compared a million times.:doh

Zaino contains no oils or silicones, whereas Klasse does, which makes it more preferable on darker or non-metallic colors.

Zaino has the sharpest and clearest reflections, while Klasse has more depth.

Neither one is better, per say, it`s just a matter of personal preference;) Look at some pics in the member pics section; it might help your decision...

06-25-2002, 01:59 PM
Definatly do more of a search on it. Perhaps you spelled it wrong the first time. Its "Zaino" and "Klasse". :xyxthumbs