View Full Version : Ok guys... a BIG question =D Whats in your car care bucket??

06-23-2002, 08:38 PM
What do you wash with? soap, mitt?

What do you dry with?

What do you clean with, polish with, wax with? by hand or machine?

What do you use on your wheels and tires?

What do you clean your interior with? carpet? leather?

What do you use on your rubber (trim etc)?

What other products do you use?

AND I want to see freshly waxed pictures too :)

Mostly though.. I want to know what you wash, clean, polish and wax with. I`ve been using zaino for years... and frankly.. its a PITA sometimes. Especially with no garage. Sometimes i`m not even sure on the shine it produces. Its shiney... but nothing you could `dive into and swim around in` if you know what I mean.

06-23-2002, 08:50 PM
That is a list that has been filled out a couple times before. You might want to use the search function for those. There are a hundred threads on each point of your list scattered throuout the fourms. As for pictures, the Members Pictures area is a great place to find those `freshly waxed` photos you want. I love hanging out in that forum. Some of these guys can do amazing things with their cars.

06-23-2002, 08:54 PM
yeah I just got done with a search.... searches never seem to work for me :(

I`ll check out the members picture area though

Brad B
06-24-2002, 06:44 PM
I have a few "buckets". Here`s one of `em.


06-24-2002, 07:22 PM
Yaknow, I was gonna holler that some people need to chip in because this site has cost me about $400 in a months time! In the last week I`ve purchased a PC, MF`s from PakShak, the full score of Zaino and Pads from CMA. But I`d have to venture you have more than that just in supplies in that cabinet, so now when my wife hollers at me, I can show her picks of people who have the addiction much worse than I do! LOL!

06-24-2002, 07:24 PM
WOW...I want Brad B`s Collection!

This is my good stuff "bucket" that I keep in my office. I have it in there for safe keeping!

(all those bins are full of stuff)


06-24-2002, 07:34 PM
Here`s a thread with some pictures of a huge detailing supply:

Pics of my detailing supply (http://www.autopia-carport.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=10757)

06-24-2002, 07:47 PM
Originally posted by bjwebster

WOW...I want Brad B`s Collection!

This is my good stuff "bucket" that I keep in my office. I have it in there for safe keeping!

(all those bins are full of stuff)


are those the new MF mitts i see!!! :)

06-24-2002, 10:37 PM
Originally posted by Brad B.

I have a few "buckets". Here`s one of `em.


holy schmoly!!!!:eek:

06-24-2002, 10:46 PM

And I thought having 300 bucks worth of detailing stuff was a lot.

06-25-2002, 03:26 AM
Try to find pics of Webviper`s detailing collection. It`s pretty big too (minus two now ;)).

I`m going to try to keep my collection as small and efficient as possible! Now let`s see how long that promise lasts... :p

06-25-2002, 08:38 AM
RaveNGti..I thought I had alot of products...


06-25-2002, 09:24 AM
Brad B.

I love your organization with all those little bins!!! :xyxthumbs