View Full Version : Eimann Fabrik Black Sapphire Tire Gel

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06-18-2002, 11:03 PM
Im nto sure if this just came out or its been out for a while but I just got the email from CMA with the desciption of this in it. I just ordered it and it should be here by the end of this week or by monday.

I will use it and give it a review and post my results so look around for it.


06-18-2002, 11:20 PM
I almost snagged that when I placed my order outta curiosity. Let us know and take some pics!

06-18-2002, 11:44 PM
I just came back to post about this? Curious to hear reviews.

06-18-2002, 11:56 PM
I probably should have gone with priority shipping but well, i didnt.

Normally it takes 2-3 days for CMA to get an order to me. If it ships wed it might make it fri.


Green Monster
06-19-2002, 07:45 AM
I order it too and as soon as I use I will post my results too. I hope it is as good as its sounds. :rolleyes:

06-19-2002, 10:29 AM
Well all my EF products have held up the thier rep so hopefully this one does too. Especially for the price.


06-19-2002, 02:54 PM
I got mine in the mail on Monday. I`ll be trying it out this weekend.

06-19-2002, 10:34 PM
especially a comparison against my beloved turtle wax tire gel!

<img src=http://www.fototime.com/FEF3D42709E4447/standard.jpg>

Green Monster
06-20-2002, 06:06 AM
Yeah me too, thats what I have been using (turtle wax tire gel).

One tip that CMA said to do is to keep the applicator in a zip lock bag to keep it from drying out so you do not use as much material. I am now doing that. Different applicator for each product.

Green Monster
06-21-2002, 10:15 AM
I just put two coats per tire of Eimann Fabrik Black Sapphire Tire Gel on the wife`s Impala last night and this is what see so far compared to Turtle Wax Tire Gel:

1- Goes on easier or about the same as.

2- Shines a hell of lot more.

3- Its seems to soak in better too.

4- You need to use as much.

At lunch I will check the to see if it spatter on the ride in and after an over night cure and I will try to post some pics too.

I want to see what happens if you wipe it down to tone down the shine.

I will post more info as I get it.

06-21-2002, 10:32 AM
2- Shines a hell of lot more. :confused:

Is the shine greater than that in the DK pic above? I think his tires look great, but I certainly wouldn`t want any more shine than that. I guess we`ll see how the buffing works. Thanks for the report.

06-21-2002, 10:37 AM
Does it dry non greasy? Does buffing reduce the shine? Keep us posted!

BTW that pic was taken after applying TW tire gel. It`s about as shiny as it gets. After buffing, it looks kind of like this, and continues this look rainstorm after rainstorm, wash after wash............

<img src=http://www.fototime.com/0BDF3060C2A0C0B/standard.jpg>

Green Monster
06-21-2002, 12:50 PM
Ok here are some pics after I wipe the tire lightly.

http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid23/p102f8de666a27da58c3fdcdebf99cc39/fd9f759d.jpg http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid23/p7e1acc24d2913e98b05584a5ee495d74/fd9f759c.jpg http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid23/pae62c842de9b7c636b38f87490bbbf81/fd9f7599.jpg

I know the pics aren`t great but thats the best I can with a 4 year old camera and me not being very good.

Eimann Fabrik Black Sapphire Tire Gel on the wife`s Impala compared to Turtle Wax Tire Gel the day after:

1- The shine tone its self down over night, it seem to soak in.

2- There was alittle sling with the two coat and no wipe application.

3- You need to wipe because there is runs from the letters.

4- They look pretty good after a light wipe but seems to need another coat for more of an even coverage. Maybe its the tires?

5- As of now they look about the same as TW.

6- I think you will use less of the Eimann Fabrik Black Sapphire Tire Gel to get the results than of Turtle Wax Tire Gel.

7- As of right now, not dry to the touch.

8- We will have to wait and see how it holds up???????

9- Its cheaper. At least when its on sale.

I hope this helps I am not very good at this type of stuff but I want to help when I can sense you guys have help me soooooo much already. :xyxthumbs

06-21-2002, 04:18 PM
I just cleaned my tires and tried this stuff out. It`s pretty thick going on. I ended up putting 2 coats on cos it seems to go on a little uneven around the letters. It`s a little too shiny for me right now. I`ll have to go out later tonight and buff the wheels down a little bit to see how it turns out. My father borrowed my digital camera so i`ll try to get some pictures posted later on tomorrow.

06-21-2002, 04:20 PM
Thanks for the tips. I think I will stay with Vinylex and 303 for that task. :D