View Full Version : Forrest #05108

06-18-2002, 02:54 PM
Will Mother`s clear coat wheel polish #05108 repair minor swirls in the clear coat of my chrome wheels on my PT Cruiser? How do you use the product? I put some minor swirls on one of my wheels fighting the bake dust problem. You can only see the swirls if the sun shines on the wheel just right.

I have a PC but I will probably have to do this by hand because of the working area. I suppose that I could use the edge of the foam pad but, it may be a little messy.

What do you suggest?

Thanks for your response

06-18-2002, 03:18 PM
I`ve never noticed that the PT chrome wheels were clear coated. I took them off mine the day I got it for some one-off 18" billets, and threw them up in the attic.

For what little 05108 costs (~$5), it would be worth a try. If it is coated, CCWP should polish it out, assuming it isn`t real deep.

To use it, you apply with a clean terry cloth or microfiber, and buff. The light polish and polymers should remove the minor swirling and leave a polymer coating behind.

It`s not a real aggressive product - it`s made for maintenance on a regular basis.

06-19-2002, 10:45 PM
Check out my review..........
