View Full Version : meguirs scratch x and zymol

06-16-2002, 01:29 AM
i recently switched from zaino to zymol just to see the difference for myself. on my last detail i used meguirs scratch x before i applied the zymol and noticed an oily like residue in certain angles in the sun. no matter how hard i wiped i couldnt get rid of it. i eventually tried some mothers quik detail i had and it helped but didnt get rid of it. i used some cut up bath towells( fluffy and made in the usa) to remove. i never used scratch x before and while im satisfied with its scratch removal i wonder if it is causing the oily residue i see. i only used the zymol once before and didnt notice anything unusual. i have a 2002 BLACK trailblazer

after two applications i prefer zaino.

06-16-2002, 09:25 AM
I know what`s going on and how to fix it. You`re pushing the filling oils around with the towel, but not getting them up. Switch to a microfiber wipe - problem all gone.

Scratch-X is great stuff - however it does have fairly aggressive abrasives. I use it for spot-treatment of deeper scratches, but you can get the same color depth/filling capabilities, including swirl removal with swirl remover, or in a completely non-abrasive formula with a polish or glaze.

If you have black and haven`t seen Meguiars` Gold Class or Souveran you haven`t seen your Trailblazer at its best.

06-16-2002, 09:49 AM
Originally posted by madazskunk

( fluffy and made in the usa)

lmao :bounce

06-16-2002, 03:05 PM
Carguy is right. Scratch-X has a lot of fillers, oils, and abrasives, and the fillers and oils smear around, causing what you see. Try using a good microfiber towel.

06-16-2002, 06:03 PM
what kind of microfiber towells do you guys recommend

06-16-2002, 06:42 PM
Meguiars Miracle Wipe or Neatitems at



06-16-2002, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by drewski59

Meguiars Miracle Wipe or Neatitems at



correction - meguiar`s wipes are called "Ultimate Wipes" - they also have "Ultimate Bonnet" which is the same material designed to stretch over a buffing pad for use with the PC. works GREAT!