View Full Version : Pinnacle bottles leak?

06-14-2002, 05:32 PM
I`m looking forward to using the big Pinnacle Kit (http://www.xvworld.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=xvworld&Product_Code=PTCK) this weekend. I noticed that all the spray bottles leak though if tipped a little so I take it that`s normal? For the Crystal Mist I`ll probably have to get a different spray bottle if I want to take it in my car with me.

06-14-2002, 06:01 PM
Yes, the spray bottles leak for me as well. The worst is when I get rubber/vinyl protectant all over the place. I use Crystal mist in a separate generic spray bottle too. It was kind of surprising to see that the CM liquid was blue.. For some reason, I wasn`t expecting that.