View Full Version : How does leatherique smell?

06-13-2002, 01:20 AM
I`m about to take the plunge and buy some leatherique. They have a deal on a quart of rejuvanator oil + prestine clean where you save $15 over their normal prices.

I can`t resist this since I`ve read nothing but good reviews.

The only thing that would hold me back is the smell of the product. Does it have a leather smell? bad smell? good smell?

06-13-2002, 03:20 PM
I happen to think it smells ok. It smells similar to leather, a little like lexol if my memory serves me right. Sorry smells are so hard to describe :nixweiss .

06-13-2002, 03:41 PM
Letherique doesn`t smell. You "smell" and Leatherique "stinks". ;) Sorry. I had to. lol Its kind of like resisting the set up of "What did the letter say?" "It didn`t say anything. I had to read it."

06-13-2002, 09:58 PM
I just "leatheriqued" my Mercedes. The smell is similar to fresh leather, not at all over-powering.

If you are going to rejuvinate and clean, slather the rejuvinator on the leather, I mean SLATHER it on! Follow the directions: Let the car sit in the direct sun with the windows rolled up and let the stuff bake! Use a white towel to use the cleaner, you`ll be amazed at what lies deep in your leather!

