View Full Version : Best PC for under $50

06-11-2002, 05:49 PM
Okay, I have a question. Having never owned or used a PC before and now running a small detailing operation, it`s clear that I need one. But, I don`t want to spend more than I have to, preferably $50 or under. So, what`s the best PC in that price range and what are some tips for a first time user?

06-11-2002, 05:58 PM

06-11-2002, 05:58 PM
If by PC, you mean Random Orbital buffer, then I would recommend you save your $50 (PC = Porter Cable). I tried a couple of the cheaper buffers by WEN and they were absolutely useless. I ended up going back to doing it by hand, because the results were better, and I was faster with it. But I recently got my PC7424, and I tell you that I will never go back to hand polishing!! :)

06-11-2002, 06:05 PM
Yhea a PC is not a type of buffer it is a brand. I`ve seen other people calling orbital polishers PCs. We need to clear that up with people.

The PC is the cheapest orbital buffer you can get that is actually worth something.

also, What do you mean a small detailing operation?

auto care usa
06-11-2002, 06:56 PM
It`s amazing when I read all the people who either are starting a detail business or have been in the business and all they are interested in is saving money on their products and equipment. A word to the wise from someone with 3 decades of experience. It takes money to make money. I have the absolute best of everything. I owe this to my customers. They deserve the absolute best I can give them.I don`t care if it`s the washer that cleans your towels or the extractor that will clean your carpets, buy the best. Success in this business or any business is that you have to keep on being a success. Talant is only the starting point. YOU MUST KEEP WORKING THE TALANT. Good men are not cheap...keep your prices high and your quality great. You will only attain this if you have the best products and equipment.

06-11-2002, 07:41 PM
I agree with the above post BUT if you have little or no money to start you cant go out and spend 150 on a PC...............that said look under E bay they had a Black and Decker that I use at times which is not bad for now for 10 bucks used untill the money starts rolling in You cant spend money if you dont have any (YET)

06-11-2002, 08:19 PM
I have to agree with the posts above that recommend the PC, which means more cash.... not $150 (see the post about Coastal tools) but more.... I have tried many orbitals, and the PC is the best bang for the buck. I would sell something or borrow the cash to get one, if required, but do yourself a favor and don`t skimp on this very important tool. You will not be sorry.


06-11-2002, 08:57 PM
A cheap machine will not hold up to the daily rigors of a shop environment, it will burn out quickly and not give quality results. Instead of wasting $50 on a junk machine just save it towards a Porter Cable, they can be had at Lowes for $109 + tax. Model 7336SP.:up

06-12-2002, 08:45 AM
First of all, I guess I was confused as to what exactly "PC" stood for, I meant to ask about a buffer. Also, I`m willing to spend more to get good quality, I just wanted to know if any of the cheaper models weren`t junk. Good points, though. I think I`ll be sticking to "by hand" for now, because you can never be too anal when it comes to a car`s paint!