View Full Version : S100 used on Sat.

06-10-2002, 12:43 PM
Okay, so I am always down to try new things (research efforts). This weekend, my GF was washing her del Sol and since it was Saturday and we were gonna drive around, she wanted it to gleam.

I had a can of S100 and decided her car would be a good candidate for testing. It`s a 93 del Sol Si, with that medium blue metallic finish.

S100 went on very easy and removed easy with very little residue. I did the application and removal panel by panel. Everything seemed great. It looked even etc. We decided to run by a friends house and upon arrival the finish looked very streaked. :shocked

This was irritating as I hate streaked finishes and it looked fine when we left my house. I grapped a MF and some Wipe & Shine. I went over the car a good two times and the streaking was still there, although barely visible to most people. At this point I was sick of the car and decided to let it be. We went out and did some shopping, car was parked in the sun for about two hours.

Upon return all streaks appeared to be gone (didn`t break out the magnifying glass) and the car had a deep finish that was a tat darker than before application. I really liked the darker deeper look as the metallic stood out more. I only wish I had pics of it to show, but no digi over the weekend.

The end results were good, but I didn`t like the streaking. I tired it on another car at my house yesterday on just the fender....same thing happened. Looked good initially and then some bad streaking appeared. Parked in sun and a couple hours later it looked fine. Anyone else have this problem? The end results were definitely good though and ease of use and very minimal residue was more of a bonus.


06-10-2002, 02:53 PM
Same here- tried a couple qd`s and also reapplying the wax with shorter dwell time. I think it just takes a little time to cure.


06-10-2002, 04:29 PM
I`ve noticed the same thing on occasion with the p21s twin. Don`t know if it`s "cure time" as Robert suggested or if I might have been applying too heavily (or both...might be related), but it seems to go away by itself. I also notice it occasionally after I wash a previously p21s-waxed vehicle, but I`ve been QD`ing (with CP) after washing and it seems to go away after the QD (it goes away for sure, but I can`t say for sure it`s the QD that did it). Regardless, the shine is worth it:cool:



06-18-2002, 01:22 PM
No problems with streaking or anything like that with S100 that I`ve had. The wax seems to hit it`s high point a few days after application though.

06-18-2002, 01:41 PM
100S AND P21S are the same (as per the company)....................You must put it on very thin or you will have problems