View Full Version : I Would love all the Advice I can get...

06-07-2002, 10:25 PM
HI guys,

As you can see, I"m new here, and have spent a little while searching the forums and reading up on all the threads and such. I would LOVE to hear the current recommendations for my vehicle, and any custom advice would be appreciated!

I currently own a 1997 Pontiac Grand Prix GT Sedan with the extremely bright Arctic White Paint. There are quite a few light swirl and scratch marks in the finish which can be seen when the light hits it. Also in the rear there are a lot of `black speckles` in the paint on the bumpers and rear, which I`m wondering if Clay baring will remove?

I have been using Meguiars Gold Class Soap to wash the car, and then I usually wax it with MeGuiars Gold Class. I have done this all by hand for the past few years. The reason I used those products was due to them being readily available at Wal-Mart.

I also just purchased a 2600 RPM Random Orbit 10" Buffer/Polisher, MVP SuperLine Series from Wal-Mart. Its only a $30.00 buffer and I have never used one before. But when I plugged it in it shook the heck out of my hand and was SUPER fast. I have no idea how I can use such an item on my car. Any advice on this would be appreciated. If its a waste of money I can go ahead and return it. Although I can`t afford all the `decent` buffers that are $100++ or so. :(

If possible, I would love to be able to remove the light scratches/swirl marks, and put the glossiest/wettest shine possible for a White car, but I can`t afford to `break the bank` so to speak. Also if it was strong, long lasting, and easily maintained that would be great! And if these products can be purchased at locally available stores then it would be even better.

So, have I been doing the right thing using Meguiars products on the car? And do you think I can learn to use that buffer or would it be too hard for a beginner? And is 2600rpm too fast? is MVP a crappy line of buffers?

I can`t wait to hear all your advice, criticism, and responses. Thanks in advance!

06-07-2002, 10:39 PM
Meguiars makes good readily available products. Not the best, but you can get good results. I`d suggest you head over to their website and check out all of their usage tips and products.


I havent used that particular buffer, so my only complaint would be the size. Something smaller would be easier to handle and use less product. As with most tools, you usually get what ya pay for. Depends on your expectations and how often you plan to use it.

Also check out the sponsors of this forum for more high end products should you catch "the bug". ;-)

06-07-2002, 10:44 PM
lol...everyone is following me here to this board, GPers that is.

For a white car, I think Jngrbrdman would prolly say Klasse with maybe Souveran as a topper. :wavey

Klasse isn`t too pricey. You can use your Meguiars as a topper also. You may want to try to get in the Zaino GB. Check the Abay forum.

The buffer is an orbital, I don`t think you can actually damage the paint unless maybe you throw the buffer at the car. :D

I don`t your buffer is that strong, being that it operates at 2600 RPM, but it`ll do the job. AN orbital buffer is easy to use, on the other hand, a rotary buffer is a totally different story.

Use 3m Swirl Mark Remover for Light Cars or Meguiars #9 2.0 to remove the swirls.

You may want to clay the car also.

06-07-2002, 10:49 PM
So basically I do the following:

1. Use DAWN to remove all layers of MeGuiars Gold Class Wax

2. Use Mothers Clay w/Detailer Spray on entire vehicle.

3. Use ZAINO on entire vehicle via the required `steps`

Then once I have a few good layers of Zaino applied then I can start using Meguiars Gold Class Car Wash & THe MEguiars gold class WAX to top the Zaino, is that correct?

Let me know. Also, can you tell me WHICH Zaino products I should buy? I get confused with the Z1, Z3, ZFX, etc..etc. I`d also like to know exactly what steps and how to use them. If possible. I like Zaino, but the system confuses me a little.

Thanks again! :)

06-07-2002, 11:00 PM
It is recommended that you use z6 (QD) and z7 car wash) to enhance the gloss, but using Meguiars FI andGold Class Car Wash.

You do not want to top Zaino though. It will prolly break down the sealant eventually. Sal doesn`t recommend it. Other sealants such as Klasse and Blackfire can be topped to give it a different look.

So you didn`t like the Zaino directions I wrote at ClubGP huh? :p

06-07-2002, 11:06 PM
Originally posted by webviper

It is recommended that you use z6 (QD) and z7 car wash) to enhance the gloss, but using Meguiars FI andGold Class Car Wash.

You do not want to top Zaino though. It will prolly break down the sealant eventually. Sal doesn`t recommend it. Other sealants such as Klasse and Blackfire can be topped to give it a different look.

So you didn`t like the Zaino directions I wrote at ClubGP huh? :p

I must have missed those directions. LoL. :) I remember you sent me an email and I printed it up and now I can`t find it. If you have that email or instructions laying around I`d love it if you could let me know. I`m trying to get everything laid out for the summer so I can really make the car look remarkable. If possible, I would also like to get rid of all the water marks in the glass. Is that possible?

06-08-2002, 10:48 AM
Originally posted by SirMack

I must have missed those directions. LoL. :) I remember you sent me an email and I printed it up and now I can`t find it. If you have that email or instructions laying around I`d love it if you could let me know. I`m trying to get everything laid out for the summer so I can really make the car look remarkable. If possible, I would also like to get rid of all the water marks in the glass. Is that possible?

Either Autoglym Glass Polish or Zaino Z12 . :D