View Full Version : Hes sold his Continental for a DB7. Thats another car in less than 2 months!

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06-07-2002, 12:52 PM
Now i know why my husband went to work so early whilst he was ill, hes bought a used silver 1997 DB7 and sold his Continental. I dont know why he wanted to sell it, its hardly ever been driven. He came back at 4 o clock in it sounding the horn to get my attention. Hes been polishing it ever since and taking poloroid snaps of the dam thing. Oh god, now i know what the topic of conversation at home is going to be for the next week or so, not to mention here.

Mrs Stephannie Ross

06-07-2002, 01:29 PM
Aston Martin: Heritage, glamour, luxury, rarity and dammed expensive :bow

When do we get the pics


06-07-2002, 01:39 PM
As some of you will know especially David, I have been meaning to change one of the cars for a proper sports car. All this week, I have driven every thing from a Porsche 911 to a Ferrari 550.

I could not part with the Arange as it is required for daily business activities and was therefore forced to sell the Continental. Yes, I do acknowledge that I have not had that very long, but all the luxury I require is in the Arnage. The Continental although very fast does not have the same feeling as when you sit and drive in this DB7. So I thought why have 2 luxury cars when I only ever use the one. Therfore I proudly this afternoon negotiated a very good price on a used 1997 Aston Martin 3.2

DB7 coupe which is in Solent Silver, and has Sahara Sand leather interior. Its is a superb piece of enginering and has only done 11,092 miles. It cost £59,995 I brought the price down for a quick sale to £52,000. The added bonus is the lump sum I gained from the Continetal. The Continetal was worth a shade over £87,000, which im glad I have sold as I have we have profited near £35,000, which I intend to use to as a opening account for our baby girl.

The DB7 is not 100% perfect looking as yet, but it will improve with the time I am going to spend on it. The car is actually lighter in color in the daylight, the photograph makes it look darker than it actually is.

So what do you think of it then. Do you think it looks ok? It doesnt look old does it?

Mr John V Ross

06-07-2002, 01:48 PM
I know my wife seems a little fed up but I have done this with all our best intrests at heart. The Continetal was never really driven as we do with Stephs S-Class, and my Arnage. They are needed for transporting clients etc to lunch comfartably. The Continental was retarded in a sence, never used at all. Why keep it. At least this way we have saved a little money which we can use for our girl. I think its makes sence. The cost of a new DB7 was going to set me back at least £100k+ (thats including the private plate). Why bother wasting the money on that, i heard about this car and kept quite before i mentioned it.

I think its very attractive, I hope in time Steph likes it. Its really fun to drive.I have never owned or driven any form of sports car apart from the Continental which was more of a luxury saloon with 2 doors so they can call it a coupe.

I intend to use this as much as possible, especially on the weekends. I am hoping to join a Aston Martin club, and keep the car for intrest/hobby purposes.


06-07-2002, 01:51 PM
It doesnt look old does it?

Old? no way, it is a beautiful car, will still look good in 20 years.

Classic car and it sounds like you got a good deal :up


06-07-2002, 01:51 PM
Definatly a good choice. From the picture the car looks great. That must be a fun car to own... now every time you get that itch to go out and drive just for the fun of it, you`ll have a nice vehicle to do so. What products are you going to use on it since it`s such a light color?

06-07-2002, 01:54 PM
That`s one sexy car!!! FWIW, I think you made a good choice. One daily driver which is luxurious, and one weekend sports car for you to fawn over. Amazing!

06-07-2002, 01:59 PM
I am slightly relieved that you both like it (Dr Jones & Steven), but i am starting to feel mightly guilty of what i have done. Do you think i have made a mistake. I mean at least the money we have saved can go towards our baby girl. I know the cars not brand new, but honestly even i cant afford to keep 3 new cars. The Arnage is a very very expesnive car to maintain, Stephs is not bad as that, but in the end they do cost a lot of money. Thats money i am trying to save back for a worthwhile cause.

I want this car to become a proper club car, and i am definately going to find some Aston Martin clubs. At least i can take part in events etc. Thats something i have missed in my life, and it is something i want to do. I hope you can all understand my reasons.


06-07-2002, 02:11 PM
I don`t think you should feel bad at all. You gave up something that ment a lot to you, for something that means a whole lot more (the baby not the Aston). If things get tight and you can`t afford to keep driving one of the cars you could still probably store it. All the cars you own seem to hold their value very nicely, don`t think of the Aston as a mistake, but an investment. The money you made will do a lot for your daughter... i`m sure she could use it to go to a fine university to get the best education she can.

06-07-2002, 02:15 PM
Also... i think the car club is a good idea... I`m part of a rather good sized Import club here in Colorado. I`ve met tons of great people. All of the events always turn out to be simply a blast. It`s great having a car and caring for it and all that... but it`s so much nicer being able to share it with people. The only real time i take days of work is when the car club is getting togeather for a luncheon or something. It`s tons of fun. I can`t tell you how awesome it is to go crusing with the club.

Two weeks ago we met at a park and had some fun, then we all hoped in our cars and went cruising down a back mountain road... it was the most fun i have had in a long time. We were flying down this windy road and it was just too much fun. I never knew my car could handle like that... i always knew it was somewhat quick... but now i know where it really shines. After the trail we stoped in a parking lot and you could just see the smile on everyone`s face when they got out. I couldn`t immagine how much fun this would of been if i was driving an Aston rather than a Civic.

06-07-2002, 02:23 PM
That looks like one hell of a nice car. I want one.

06-07-2002, 02:29 PM
Exactly, thats what I have been saying to her. At least this way we have the best of all worlds, still got 2 nice saloons, and now a sports car that is intended to be used for intrest not as a decoration piece in the garage. Not to mention the money for our daughter.

I will have to leave the board now and talk with Stephannie and work this out. I dont like falling out with her, especially now. I must go and see her. Im sorry if anyone else is disappointed with me.

John Ross :(

06-07-2002, 03:08 PM
Aston Martin Owners Club UK http://www.amoc.org/

Bentley Drivers Club http://www.bdcl.co.uk/HomeFrame.htm there are a few others as well


06-07-2002, 03:44 PM
Its alright now. Weve kissed, cuddled and made up.

I know i may have come across as a ungrateful bi*ch, its just that i didnt like the way it was kept from me as a secret. It wasnt over the money or the car. I mean if he wanted to he could buy a new DB7 every month for life, hes got the money to do so. But thats totaly irrelevant, im not bothered about money,what i am concerned about is our trust in each other. After looking back , i know i have over reacted as it was supposed to be a suprise and a thoughtful gesture. I have apologised with John and just for the record want to say to him on air as well"I am so sorry for behaving like a cow, i love you still more than ever before, i hope feel the same way. Love you from the bottom of my heart". Stephannie.

C. Charles Hahn
06-07-2002, 04:00 PM
John - consider this: you bought yourself a beautiful car, that I`m sure will last you a nice ammount of time..... and besides, atleast you plan on using this car for constructive purposes....

I certainly hope you two can work out whatever differences you have, as IMHO the positive things to come from this outweigh the negatives.

good luck - and beautiful car! :cool: